Feelings - amazing and wonderful when we're positively affected. Difficult and dangerous when we're negatively affected. Feelings definitely get a bad rap at times and oodles of blame. They legitimately are what they are. They allow us a depth of experience in our lives that we could not have without them.
Ever notice how some people will blame feelings for their actions or lack of them? "I didn't feel like it", OR "I was so angry I did this". Also, you see some people blame others for their feelings. "You made me feel bad". Ultimately, people are responsible for their own feelings. It is true others can evoke feelings by things they do or say, but we are the ones who feel our feelings and they can be based upon disappointments, desires, fulfillment, expectations, needs and other things. It's healthy for us to admit that we feel our feelings and to investigate what they stem from. Are we disappointed about something we feel helpless to change - sometimes it is our own perceptions that limit us to stay in feelings that can cause us distress.
Interesting, feelings.