Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Obedience as Opportunity

Do you notice how people seem to really dislike the word “obedience”?  It just conjures up images of Mom or Dad shaking their finger at you and saying – “You’d best behave or else…!”.   I’ve often thought that obedience just seems fit for dog training more than it does for humans living in alignment with God’s best.  But, they do have things in common. I think what’s been most irritating about obedience for me personally is the wrong idea I had that it is a drudgery or not fun to be obedient. Oh, don’t get me wrong, there are points where it is a big challenge! But, like anything, obedience takes practice to get good at.  At first it seems a little awkward or maybe even frustratingly painful – hey, we prefer our entrenched ways!  However, after some time – practicing – it becomes easier and easier and, eventually at some point, effortless. 

My shift in seeing obedience as the real opportunity it is has become more real to me recently.  In looking at my career and some of the things God’s called me to do I noticed an interesting pattern.  When I wanted to leave and find a new work environment some years ago – God said, “NO.  You are where I want you – stay. I’ll tell you when you are to leave and I will provide where you are to go”.  So, I stay.  It has not been easy at times – I’ve had a lot of push back, difficulty and downright anger storms through some of it.  There were many days where I asked – “God, really? Do you want me here?  I don’t see the point of it”.   He saw the point of it and He always answered, “Stay” (See where those dog training similarities come in?J).  In more recent years He began to say, “Stay, and display a really great attitude”.  At times, that was so challenging. I certainly do not always succeed. But, I have been growing in doing that.  I know I’m making progress because I received a high mark in my review and special note about my positive attitude.  In fact, I’m actually practicing praising in the midst of extreme irritation (what an awesome thing that is!).  I’m learning that I can stand in Christ through very difficult things.  And, not just stand, but really joyfully over the top wholeheartedly being myself and happy – stand! That’s an opportunity I would not have in easy times or places. 

Another area of obedience as opportunity is in where God’s placed me for my home church.  Been there 6 years now going into 7 this fall. This is so different from any other faith family I’ve ever known.  It has been very awkward, puzzling, uncomfortable, and very un-relational and lonely at times. I’ve felt rejected at times, but God keeps telling me not to take it personally and – as with my work – to show up in everything with a really great attitude. We hold core doctrine in common, but there are many portions of the Bible where we hold vastly different interpretations. The differences certainly rub me the wrong way at times and I know it does them as well.  This is not a place I would have chosen for myself.  It seems an unlikely place for me to move in what God’s gifted me for, but, that is where God is so so sneaky.  He has such good things here – breathtaking things, actually.  And, despite the struggles, I really do love my faith family.  I have a heart attachment for them that goes beyond our differences.  I want them to be who they are in Christ!! I need them to be! And I and God both long for them to embrace the Holy Spirit.  I’ve done a lot of growing being with them.  Maybe they’ve grown too (grown annoyed with the constant “thorn in their side” – December – haha!! But – seriously yes, sometimes I know that’s true!).   Isn’t it funny how being obedient in growing really is not an easy thing – but it is the most wonderful opportunity. I've seen some strongholds have been breaking and that's been wonderful.  Others have asked me why I stay and I know that God wants me here – I don’t even ask Him about it at all.  He is bringing something fantastically beyond what I can see right now, it’s just on the horizon and, I will not miss THAT!  I am also learning not to defend myself or hide away my giftings, even if it is uncomfortable for everyone.  God gave me the calling – so humans can never take it back.  But, I am also learning compassion and humility in the midst of standing and being myself. Talk about a “tight-rope walk” at times – sheesh!! But, when I’m walking in obedience, even with some wobbliness at times - God’s got me balanced – it really is the best!

Back to the fun part of obedience – it really does become fun – seriously.  Obedience, when you break it down to the basic thing – is the practice of God’s very best life.  There are soooo many things I am completely ignorant, foolish and out of my depth with in this life.  I do not make good decisions apart from God’s word and presence.  I can’t rely on my own decision maker – it is faulty and frail and deceitful above all things.  I must remain obedient, even when it makes no sense, when I’m floundering in emotions, when I’m at complete odds with it.  And, ok here’s the cool part, when I do obey – first it gets easier to continue obeying and second, things really do work out best.  I’m not saying everything is easy – please don’t mistake me - but, God just makes a way where there was none before. 

Obedience – always the best opportunity - where God makes a way in me where there was none before.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What if….?

What if the way you thought life was supposed to work turned out to be very different? 

For Women: What if you really were meant to be a “guide”?  What if your very name and design by God meant you were the protector, guardian and boundary setter?  What if your domain were much more than solely the household and/or children?  What if your authority in dominion were to steward relationship and the earth alongside men jointly for God’s image to be rightly and fully revealed and to faithfully bring His glory to the earth?   Just what if God had a plan for you to be so much more than the culture would lead you to believe women are made for? 

For Men:  What if you were meant to remember what God had said?  What if you were meant to steward the earth synergistically together with women?  What if you could only fulfill your true role of stewardship on the earth within relationship alongside your co-regent - woman? 

Would you be brave enough to look differently at your life? Could you step outside your pre-conceived notions, comfort zone, and fleshly preferences to grow and live into amazing things God has for you?  Would you make choices to live into who you are designed to be in unity and honoring those around you?  Would you stand up and be counted as one who says – “YES” to God’s calling on your life, even in the face of potential challenge and controversy?

I’ve been dialoging with God about these questions.  I’ve had some tough tough choices in front of me.  I am (as I’ve mentioned previously) not a feminist – which I believe is just as degrading and wrong minded as the male counter part (male chauvinist). But, I do not embrace the notions that women are: helpless, weak, “arm candy”, only meant to operate in the household and/or with children, are to default “kowtow” to men.  I also do not embrace that men are the sole leaders, decision makers and authority in the church or culture.  I don’t believe men are to “isolate” in their roles.  I may offend many people with my notions that women are meant to partner side by side in equal authority with men in the culture and in marriage and that we MUST bring our gifts to the table together in the church for God’s glory on the earth.

I’ve watched as some families of faith are embracing these roles for men and women and it’s been astounding to see how God has flowed through it to bless and bring amazing things to the earth from it.  There are other families of faith who find this is quite a stretch.  Some are trying their best to embrace what they can.  I believe God is walking beside them and I pray they hear His heart.

It would be easy to back away from the uncomfortable and highly charged topic of gender roles in culture and the church.  But, God just seems to keep bringing the topic back around.  I sometimes wish I were not the one He’s tapping to talk about it, but if He wants to engage in it – I want to go His way and not mine.   So, like gold medal winners Misty and Kerri – when things look tough and maybe even unlikely, I’m just going to – breathe, believe and battle (in love).  It’s really just too important.

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