Saturday, July 3, 2021

Tough Truthful Discussions

Does anyone I know enjoy conflict with people they love - no.  Really no. Some even try to avoid conflict with anything, period "La-la-la-la - I can't hear you!"  I'm not so fond of it myself, but, we're living in a time where we are being called to stand up for truth, even when people disagree or do not want to hear. Navigating conflict is an important skill.  I have not been so great at it, but, I know I must learn how to do it better.  We're living in a time where we must stand up for the truth - if we don't, we are lost.  

Nazi Germany was full of good people who kept quiet and when it was too late to speak up, they were enslaved to an evil tyrannical government take over and became partners to genocidal killing estimated at over 20+ million people who did not conform to the government's idea of people who should be allowed to live. 

I am a follower of Jesus Christ.  As His follower I must align with His heart and mind in all things. His word is clear about what He designed and authorized and what He did not. I and all true followers of Jesus must die to our own preferences or feelings every day and bow to His will and ways, not the other way round.  

In our culture - even those who call themselves Christian, many in the name of love, have avoided talking about God's truth and values in order to soften any harsh reality from those engaging in things He does not author or approve of.  But, I will ask - is that really loving?  If you know that sin un-repented of and brought to Jesus for trust and acceptance of His salvation will result in eternal separation from God, how can you fail to grieve, mourn, cry out for and try to reach out to those caught in sin's deadly grip?  How can you smile, comfort and wave them off on their freight train to hell?  If you really care, wouldn't you risk offending them to save their soul?  I don't mean being hateful to them, but truly caring about their wellbeing!

God put principles, values and the construct of all things into place for good - and He called it good.  Man, in his sinful state, will always be at odds with those values and try to de-construct what God has laid down.  He wants his own way - He wants to be God, deciding what really is good. Silly thing that - there is no good outside of God and His ways.  It is what we see now in culture.  The proliferation of evil to the point that anything good is now called evil. As people have moved away from God and His values the void has been filled with un-godly ways and values (the bible calls it Anti-Christ, for so it is) - it's exploding to such a degree that all of humanity is threatened with slavery to it.  These ungodly values have proponents who years ago eased into the conversation just asking for tolerance.  But that became a wedge and slippery slope to go further. They now demand not tolerance but embracing and endorsement of their values.  Anything at odds with those values is now condemned as hateful and unacceptable.  Who pleads tolerance, but, has none for those holding other values?

Ultimately, this has always been a spiritual battle.  Will men submit themselves to God, accept His gift of goodness and life in Christ Jesus and spread light?  Or, will they be their own god, proliferating evil, death and spreading darkness?  We are in that battle - where do you stand? The good news is that Jesus won this battle long ago on the cross, raising from death to life and if we accept His gift, we too raise from death to life!  We are either establishing His Kingdom victory in our own lives, families, neighborhoods, regions, country, world or we are allowing defeated foes to remain in authority and cause chaos, death and destruction.

Sunday, May 30, 2021


So, you always wanted x-ray vision as a kid, huh?  Maybe you still want it now.  Superman was so cool, spying out the real situation or those bad guys through buildings, in vehicles, underground, he saw it all.  No  obfuscation!

In these days, seeing through things to the truth, wow, what a rare and valuable skill that is! And what a benefit!  Unfortunately, even Superman like x-ray vision would not really be helpful in our situation today.  You see, people and situations look to be one way on the outside but are another way on the inside.  Superman could only see through physical things to physical things.  Now Jesus, Jesus can see hearts and to the very heart of the matter!  He sees all things very clearly.He is more than a Super man - He is The God Man - Messiah.  He made all things so, it's no wonder He can see so well. He sees people so very much differently than we do.  He knew what He was about when He made them. He formed all people of the past and still forms each one today in their mother's womb, in the image of God. He has "Jesus Vision" - he foresees the plan He's crafting each one for. All shine the glory of The Maker, even if they may not align with His heart.  He has actually invited each to reflect Him uniquely in the world. Very spectacular!  If they accept/receive Him, they will live into the real self He made them to be.  He wants every one of them to, but will never force people to receive and love Him.  He died to rescue us from sin and death (something horrible we can never cleanse or free ourselves from that separates us from our loving God), so that we can have forever Kingdom life together with God,.  He is so so good that we will never get to the end of adventures in seeing the wonder!

There are many deceived in this time, but lots are waking up - seeing the fog lift, understanding there is evil in the world and a real enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy them, their children and all human life.  The enemy wants to mar God's image, wreck the beauty of His creation and thwart Father God's relationship with those He loves so dearly.  The enemy uses human agency to accomplish much of his plan, but God has come in human form (Jesus) and snatched victory from the enemy forever! It's like the song "The Passion" says, "Our chains are gone, our debt is paid, The cross has overthrown the grave For Jesus' blood that sets us free means death to death and life for me!" And, while the King is victorious, there are far off outposts where people have not gotten the word!  But, it's coming - even now unfolding! Billions - asking for the Lord of the harvest to send more workers!

So, Jesus Vision, how do you get it?  Trust Jesus' shed blood for your sins and take Him as your Lord! He will send you the Holy Spirit to guide you into seeing with His eyes. You'll be amazed at what you never saw before become completely visible!  Blindfolds OFF!  Take time to look into the eyes of Jesus.  What you will see will overshadow any other thing your human eyes may see - put into perspective any situation or circumstance you may be experiencing.  His love, power, truth, life and light - His purity, holiness, righteousness, joy, goodness and kindness - you will see it all there and it will astonish and knock you over! Most of all, His true deep real and constant love for you, personally.  Mmmm...that is the most wonderful.

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