Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gift or Pay?

I was talking with someone today and something she said really struck me.  I asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year.  She said she really didn't want anything, she felt she didn't deserve anything.  Then she mentioned about being good.  I reminded her, Christmas is not about deserving or being good enough - Jesus came/was given to and for those who could never BE good enough (we ALL qualify for that). She didn't really want to talk about that, said she'd been pretty good this year as opposed to last year (this is her estimation of herself). Plus, this year her money's all going to school and other things, so she feels bad receiving when she can't give.  I just shake my head on the inside - how Santa's persona has been put onto God.  How, if we'll just be good enough or give enough ourselves, we'll deserve and be entitled to good things. And how when we're bad or can't afford things, we may feel sort of crummy accepting good things because we (in our pride) have not earned them ourselves and want to!  What a terrible trap to be caught in. To honestly think we can ever really be good, in and of ourselves.  To shun humility and brokenness for that ever elusive perfect state of "self being goodness" and the sham notion that it's actually doable.  This is the trap most of the world is caught in - the "Santa's Watching" trap.  He knows the tally - he knows if we've been good or bad.  Trouble is, he is us and our tally keeping is very questionable at best. We keep the tally with Pharisaic zeal, blind ineptness, and crooked self denial all in one! Jesus, thankfully, did away with the tally board.  He is the only one who could ever strictly fulfill it perfectly and pay in blood for our everlasting inability to boot! And, by simply trusting in His having done it - we have ALL that we could never deserve!  How amazing is that?!!  Now that - that is something to celebrate!! 

So,  repeat after me: "Gifts are not earned".  "Things earned we call Pay". Some people give Pay and call it a Gift - expecting something in return. This is not what God does. God truly gives gifts beyond price that He knows we cannot repay. We are never gonna be able to "earn" eternal life with God. It's beyond earning, even by devout "monk types" with God's grace. He gave life in Himself through Jesus as an extravagantly generous love filled reflection of His heart and intention toward us - we just have to receive and enjoy forever!  It's funny how many, after having professed to receiving Jesus, try to earn Him still! STOP!!  The proper response in a gift genuinely received and appreciated is enjoyment of it  - not stuffing $20 dollar bills in the giver's pocket ever so often to pay for it. It would be funny if it were not so tragic.  When we live wholeheartedly enjoying a gift sincerely given, our earnest enjoyment is all that The Giver ever really intended. We should want to learn to be really good receivers of sincerely given gifts, but then, that's a gift in itself!

I choose gift - definitely gift. Hope you do too! Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is beautiful and such a freeing word. December I love and appreciate your heart for God and for His children!


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