Sunday, May 9, 2010


Jesus took me into a room where it was large and warm and had a reddish glow. There was a large container that fitted into the edges (sort of like a casserole dish) of the room up high about chest high. I could not figure what it was at first. He put his hand on the edge of it and said it had to go. It was too small. He had just put it in recently and now it was time already for a new one. So, He had the construction crew lifting it out of the room. Beeping was going on as if a crane was lifting and the container was being removed. Jesus you show me walls – two walls - anger and stubbornness. They are fitted together at a corner – they are long walls. You showed me that you were expanding the area for the love container by knocking out those walls. I agreed that they had to go. I watch as you knock them out and fit me with an even larger container for love. I am so thankful. I love you Jesus and praise you that you always work on me. I asked to see you more and understand you more. You never fail me. You never stop the work. Yep – you said – it’s an ongoing project. It’s going to be a doozie. You’re already a doozie – but you will be even more beautiful. These renovations – they are always taking place – today I just get to see them in person. Jesus said it’s no coincidence that He’s a carpenter. He’s always tearing out and building. I asked why love needed a container – He told me it’s fluid and that if it didn’t have a container it would flood the whole neighborhood. I asked if that would be a bad thing – He said, all in due time.

Friday, May 7, 2010

More on Design

Seems like so many have expectations that have to do with health, security, money, prestige and they look to these things as some how making them feel happy.  Sadly, the evidence is that we have a world full of people with health, money, prestige and seeming security who are in no way happy.  They say insanity is doing the same thing time and time again with the expectation of different results.  Seems to me that there is rampant insanity in our world.   We get one freedom we can exercise with abandon every moment - the choice of how we respond.  We can choose how we will respond to each and every circumstance and situation regardless of our feelings.   Problem is, our responses are crafted by our beliefs and many of our beliefs have no basis in truth (stinkin thinkin leads to poor response).

When I see people who are grumpy, lonely and lost, I look at them with eyes of love and see their very great value.  I see every person as a person of great value, even those who have not led honorable lives. That's not to say that I appreciate all of the things that people do!  But, I see that their value is not in all the things they ever accomplished, failed at or the money they earned or didn't or what they did with people.  None of these things ever will or did add to or take away from their inherent value.  They have value because of who made them.   Not everyone lives in relationship with the one who made them and that is truly a shame because while their inherent value will never change - the reality of all that they were intended to be cannot exist apart from that relationship.  When people do not know who they are or what they were made for they can spend their whole lives thinking it's about themselves and their feelings and their control and accomplishment.  Gee, I did that for many years and sometimes I still do!  But, it's really the basics of design.  Whenever we try to operate outside of our design we are not fulfilled and is it any wonder we become broken?

Faith, Hope, Charity - these words are active and alive only in the one we're made for - and He thankfully transcends age.  :)

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