Saturday, January 1, 2011

Your Assignment.....

It's a new year!  I loved 2010, and am even more hopeful for 2011!

Can you imagine - being placed specifically in a place and time for a purpose only you can accomplish.  Being given gifts that only you possess in the combination that you do and support, permission, authorization and provision to use them fully. And, it's all up to you to say yes or no to the assignment? Seems like an sci-fi action spy movie or some sort of weird version of "The Amazing Race" until you realize I'm talking about YOU and ME and what we call our seemingly mundane every day lives!  What would life look like if we lived in light of our real calling?  I invite you to think about it, but don't just stop there - act!  Yes, act - now.  Don't wait - it's really simple and, you don't only have permission - you have authorization!  If you have trouble anywhere along the line - let me know, I'm happy to encourage you in this because seriously, I need you to be who you are!  And, not just me - the world's been waiting too.


EVALUATE: what it is that you are gifted with, the place you've been put, the people you've been given to interact with and love, the work you do, your sphere of influence,  what it is specifically that you've been put here for and what needs to stop and what needs to start.


ACT:  now!  Live each moment in light of your evaluation!

God loves you and made every provision for you in order that you live into who He made you fully.  Determine to accept Him and His great calling for your life and - GO FOR IT!


  1. Interesting insight December! Thanks for the reminder that the interconnectedness of our world can just as easily be used for good as for harm. And we can be agents who make an impact that is beneficial.

    Speaking of China, you note reminds me of how God still used Mao for his glory even tho Mao brought untold wreckage on his country. He was (directly or indirectly) responsible for killing masses of his own people. Yet God used him to unify and simplify the language and construct highways and mass transit. Both "modernizations" were intended to advance the Communist Party's interests but now are also used to connect people to Christ because courageous individuals are willing to be agents for good. Interconnectivity!

  2. Kingdom possibilities and opportunities. I love it Robert!


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