In order to make the best use of moments - I need to weed out those things that do not. So, along with making my list of yes' I need to make my list of things I say no to. We are only allotted so much time in our lives - we need to make good choices with it (the best choices)!
A short list of things I say yes to:
1.Enjoying and seeing God in every moment and circumstance and His priorities, promises and truths right there (learning all those better and living them out boldly!).
2. Loving people more and seeing and encouraging them in who they really are.
3. Being present with peace in my moments - enjoying the savor of life in the now and not trying to retrieve the past or forecast the future.
4. Walks in nature - I need connection with creation so badly at times, gonna do more of it.
5. Seeing all roadblocks and problems as the possibilities and opportunities they really are! Seeking to expose lies that I believe and operate from and allowing Jesus' truth to overcome and heal them.
6. Stay aware of the need to say yes and no to the right (best) things.
A short list of things I say no to:
1. Indulging fear. (this is an indulgence I've allowed for too long -it's off my show [whom shall I fear?]).
2. Annoyance and being aggravated - also off my show - I have no time for it and it is too wearing on me.
3. Defending - I don't need to do this. Who I am and all I am speaks - God is my very great shield. Those defending are those not convinced of the truth.
4. Good things that are not the best for me - this is huge on my list because I do lots of good things that need to stop. Listening for God's leading and not my own.
5. Procrastinating - no moment is promised to me. When I know I'm supposed to be at something - do it immediately at the right time, that's my goal. Procrastination will no longer be allowed to reign - power of moments is in seizing them. This life is a greater gift than I can comprehend - use the little vision I have for how big it is and live into it!
6. Hopelessness - I have no place in my life for this. I have Christ - the antithesis of hopelessness, so this must go. I am obnoxiously hopeful and really can't worry how it may be viewed by anyone.So, this is my plan - consciousness about it. I plan to review these every day and live in them (moment by moment living this plan).
I'll report back how it's going! I'm extremely HOPEFUL! :D
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