Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pain and irritation - path to light and revelation

Have you ever had such a painful experience that you cried your eyes out about it, thinking you may never be able to stop? I've felt that way at times. I've also had my share, recently, of irritation. Thankfully, I'm learning how to see differently in the midst of it. I'm not saying I'm highly accomplished at this yet or that I am free of unusually intense aggravation at times (man it still hurts lots at times). But, I am practicing, with the Holy Spirit's guidance, and hope to walk with eyes that see hidden things all the time and whatever else God wants done with it.

So, when situations are tough and ugly and make you want to smack someone - what do you do? I'm learning that every single moment of pain and irritation is a treasure trove of opportunity. Maybe you're thinking I mean character building - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. While there is a component of that to it - it is not the main focus. The main focus is that people of God were never made to suffer pain and irritation in the way the world does. When we know our hope and life is in Christ - the more we learn the truth about that in relationship with Jesus - the less things of pain and irritation will faze us. Doesn't mean we won't be sad about things or righteously angry at times. But, we will see situations and circumstances very differently - especially from the world. We have "Kingdom Eyes". This means we see that opposite thing that God wants us to live into right in the midst of our pain and irritation. It's actually fail proof! If we use pain and irritation as an indicator (flashing neon sign here!), we can always detect right away what God wants us to have and has given us permission to walk in and practice. I love that!

So, when a situation is making me crazy - I can keep banging my head against a wall in frustration and irritation OR I can embrace that God has peace, joy and creative life giving right there for me! I want all of what God wants me to have - I don't want one drop to be missed! That's what God wants too - lucky me! :D

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