Ah, the never ending controversy. Men and Women or Women and Men. Literally that's it - position. Who's first and who's second. Who has the power and who must submit. I truly have struggled with understanding this and the controversy of it for some time. I'm not a feminist by a long stretch and believe that movement has been, like it's male counterpart (Male Chauvinism), dishonoring and completely out of line. I prefer to honor and accept both men and women for who they are regardless of their gender.
I've been in a dialog with God about this for some time because I've been placed in a church (5 years now) where the "Complementary or Traditional" view is held in regards to women in leadership roles. The irony is that I came from a somewhat "Egalitarian" church background, upbringing and marriage currently that makes me feel as though I'm a duck out of water here.
For those not familiar with these terms here are the Wikipedia definitions:
Complementary or Traditional: the view that men and women have different but complementary biblically-prescribed roles and responsibilities in marriage, family life, religious leadership, and elsewhere. The word ‘'complementary’' and its cognates is used currently to denote a position which says that not only are men and women different, but that those differences mean that women cannot exercise ministry, or some kinds of ministry, within the church. It assigns leadership roles to men and support roles to women, based on the interpretation of certain biblical passages. One of its precepts is that while women may assist in the decision making process, the ultimate authority for the decision is the purview of the male in marriage, courtship, and in the polity of churches subscribing to this view.
Egalitarian: the view that gender equality in Christian church leadership (including pastors) and in Christian marriage is biblically sound. Its theological foundations are interpretations of the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and other New Testament principles. It refers to the biblically-based belief that gender, in and of itself, neither privileges nor curtails a believer’s gifting or calling to any ministry in the church or home. It does not imply that women and men are identical or undifferentiated. Christian Egalitarianism affirms that God designed men and women to complement and benefit one another.
Father God was talking to me about this a few years ago - He told me that men and women who rightly honor and celebrate each other will have His very great blessing and will display the truth of who He is on the Earth. I've completely embraced that, but still keep asking - What does that look like? This week Papa gave me another clue to a better understanding about that.
I was driving down the street and He started talking about paradox. Like so many things the issues surrounding male and female are a paradox. There is a tension that must be embraced in order that the fullness of God and His plan is performed. He said to me, "turf"- someone so interested in their turf and defining or protecting it is not honoring God. He showed me the trinity - each is always more interested in holding up the others and honoring them. There is never any argument in God because all are in agreement that each esteems and highly loves, prefers to submit to and honors the others rightly. If men and women are to truly reflect God rightly - they must follow suit. So, what I envision (and believe me I understand my vision is very limited and needs more growth) men and women look at each other - not to limit or define but to honor and exhort each other to be who they are. And, they need to view each other as individuals. It must be noted that in the range of humans there are wide variances in personality, physicality, ability and calling. To lump all into one or another role because of their gender alone does not honor or recognize the truth of each individual as they are and does not affirm particular callings and giftings. And, as Papa so rightly noted - where both men and women are for each other more than themselves - there will never be a need to defend turf or power.
So, my conclusion is this - when men and women are conformed to Christ to a point where they can each be themselves and and rightly honor, celebrate and interact with each other - then we will see God rightly glorified on the Earth in them.
Looking forward to learning more about that!