As I was waking today an image came to me of a very great fortified front door to a house. The people inside had the door barred, locked, re-enforced with steel, bolted into the wall, and all the area out front of the door was looped with barbed wire rolls. Same was true of the back door. No one was getting in either door and those inside had guns at the ready to pick off anyone who would try to bulldoze through. Anyone who was going to come straight up in attack was considered an enemy and fair game to kill off. It symbolizes people and their attitudes today with their beliefs. And, it literally demonstrates why someone who tries to shout down another person’s views will never penetrate with an argument direct against the view. The houses are lined up and the defenses of the doors are all fortified, locked tight and secure – people are sitting inside with fear and anger lookin out their windows, some yelling out of them trying to pick a fight with murder in their heart. Some actually hope someone will try to come at them so they can spit in their eye with hate and self-righteousness.
I have been thinking about Jesus and how He handled people’s beliefs so differently. He was not interested in battling people in really direct ways, though he did directly address the Pharisees and religious leadership of Israel who were supposed to stand as God’s representatives on more than one occasion. He knew what people were bound by. Of course, He, being the most brilliant man who has ever lived – he has such a way of getting to the heart of things via means that never even needs doors. He is the door. He’d figuratively climb a 4th story and enter a bathroom window in his ways of walking with people and telling stories that always disarmed them, got behind their defenses and entrenched fortified beliefs to their heart. And, it was never from a motive to be right and highlight other's wrongness. He’d literally show people their heart – in love, because He really cared about them. Some saw and recognized their need and knew they wanted to follow Him and give Him their lives. Others, they saw what Jesus meant, but, they trusted their beliefs more than they trusted Him. It’s the same today.
I’m always interested in how the church handles this today. I see a lot of faith families say they are operating in grace and that they will not beat the sheep up in stressing the 10 commandments. Some of those same faith families then turn around and give lists to their congregations to check off in order to exhibit they are a good follower of Christ. There’s nothing wrong with being mindful of Jesus’ heart and what He did. But, they’re not so interested in helping people, as Jesus did, to walk with them, connect and love them in showing them their own heart – to fight for them. The lists always strike me as the way the Pharisees did things. They had copious lists of do’s and don’ts. They took great pride in touting their ability to keep all the standards outwardly of those lists and beat people mercilessly when they could not comply. Jesus called them “white-washed tombs” and then He went to the cross and died for them, asking His Father to forgive them because they didn’t know what they were doing. Jesus came along and He turned the whole system upside down. He said things like,“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell” (Matthew 5:21-22). Jesus took what was behind the law (the living spirit of it) that had been given and held a mirror up to the heart. His actual fulfillment of the law was the transformation and empowerment of those who gave themselves to Him (trusting His shed life) to live out life naturally in accord with the law – the desires of their hearts made new. He never even went at any fortified door – he made a flank move to the heart of things. He knew how to go around things to help people see their own true condition from a different side.
I’m certainly a person who has tried to hit that fortified front door with people. I’ve done the silly arguing directly with people thinking that because I’m so right that somehow my sincere and passionate argument will persuade them to see things my way. And, then I’ve also gone further in dismissing those who disagree and basically de-humanized them in my mind so that I don’t have to feel the pain of rejection from an actual real person in opposition to me (seems to feel so much safer that way). I have been as silly as the rest. But, I am believing that Jesus will continue to grow in my heart the ability to walk and think as He does. He promised if I give Him my life that He would and He always keeps His promises. He’s transformed and continues transforming me to really see people and their worth and value, especially when they don’t agree with me and to remain compassionate and loving toward them, wanting good for them even if we never see eye to eye, even if they hate me. To really look at issues and people for the heart of things – He’s always so good at teaching me that.
I think about the war on terror and the war how we treat one another. These are wars that can never be won with arms and killing or hate speech and de-humanizing or dismissing others. These are wars for hearts and minds. Every person has their own free will and not all will see truth and embrace it. But, it’s amazing how when people really know deep in their heart that someone is for them that just sometimes a real window is open. Manipulating to simply have an outcome – that is a false victory and it will never really last. Connecting in the midst and valuing, belonging, embracing people in the midst – fighting for someone instead of against them, I am learning that and I want to learn that better. I don’t want a list of do’s and don’ts to check off as a follower of Jesus to feel I’m good. I don’t want to help orphans in Ethiopia or feed the poor and feel content that I’ve made it and hit the standard. I don't want to be guilted or shamed into behaving better. I want to want what is good. I want to recognize where I’m living from my old dead nasty heart of flesh and turn and live instead from my new normal inclination to love from my real heart, the one Jesus gave me. I can’t do it with lists. I pray and step out to continue to grow up in the new nature Jesus died to give me - He's so good at walking it with me, such an encouragement. To love in real ways by being real and by Jesus’ life in me, overcoming. He keeps showing me my heart, with love and I'm leaning in to transformation. I’m excited and the days are coming when the fullness of Jeremiah 31:33-34 written on hearts will come to pass -
“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares the Lord.
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares the Lord.
“For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more.”
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