Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Kingdom Glory or Zombie Apocalypse?

The last few nights I’ve been woken up by images and thoughts.  I’ve tried to return to sleep, but finally tonight I’m praying and just up writing out what I received.  Kingdom Glory or Zombie Apocalypse?  You have a choice to inhabit the existence of one or the other - both do exist.  While it seems these are polar opposites (and they are) – they will and do in fact both occupy the same time in history - now.  Oh, you didn’t think the Zombie Apocalypse was real?  It’s real – take a good look at the souls out and around you in society and the world.  Do you see a trend?   It may not be manifest in the way popular movies and video games portray Zombies - all horrific dead, rotting walking corpses, however Zombies are real. 

So, the good news – just as Zombies are real, so also Champion Overcoming Warrior Children of God are real!  And honestly, it’s not really a fair match up at all!  The souls of human beings are literally being transformed into one of two things and the dividing line is so clear in our times.  People are either rejecting their old lie of a “self” life and embracing true life (oneness in God) provided through Christ Jesus and growing as a glorious Kingdom Ambassador and Child of God - one who knows God has rescued them from their dead worthless self existence and ways and made them completely new and crazy good in Him – His cleansed mirror images, reflecting Him – shine meisters!  One who now constantly continues to receive and pour back out His life in greater measure, practicing the life of God – in the unique, singular “one of a kind” way that they have been designed to shine Him in the world in their sphere of influence and in oneness with others in God's Family.  A life of interacting with, loving and worshipping Him every moment and letting that flow out in strong protector characteristics – aligned with God’s will and other Kingdom People in community, healing the sick, raising the dead and casting out demons, bringing help and life to widows, orphans and the down trodden of our world in just their every-day life.  Those who shed abundant bright light and life everywhere they go as an outflow of the love of God flowing in and through them – these are Kingdom people and they bring the Kingdom with them – they literally shine the light of heaven, bring Heaven to Earth.  Love is their authentic currency.  Joy and Peace are the hallmark and calling card of these people and markedly exist in every interaction through deepest challenge to greatest triumph!  Every challenge becomes just another proving ground to them of the true and real “Can’t get to the bottom of it” evidence of the Goodness of who God really is!  These are no victims of the world or society.  They know in whom their life is established and they do not fear physical death nor are they overcome by the schemes of the enemy.  They stand blazing glorious for the one worthy of all glory.

Those on their way to or in full Zombie mode (dead rotting souls) have sold out (bought in to the lie and deception) and go on to live out the bent and ever further bending of their original design, personhood and soul into unrecognizable death and dark monstrous contortions.  It may start out very slight almost un-noticeable to untrained eyes – this veering further away from God’s life.  The bend may be very slight in the beginning, but anyone who has seen the ending trajectory knows it is always completely far far away from the Plumb-line – the true perfect straight line.   Some even believe they can somehow change their mind and turn it around at the 11th hour of their life and come back to God (they’re deceived in thinking they somehow may be able to know how and when they’ll die).  The truth is – there comes a point where people are not even aware they’ve reached a point that they can’t change their minds.  They’ve so repeatedly kept on in the same direction that it’s impossible for them to do it and they’re lulled all along by this lie that they think they can do it at the end.  God’s mercy allows some to actually come to Him, but, others have so thoroughly embraced the lie that their conscience is burned and scarred – no longer able to receive God’s goodness to them.   Eventually, they come to a point where they are no longer living in any real way.   They have moved so far away from real life, finding it very normal to practice and participate in death, that they've lost the ability to accept life in themselves.  They are dead yet still exist, roaming the earth– warped predatory loathing and self-filled consuming machines – bereft of real love, compassion, joy, peace or any semblance of mercy or original human design.  They try to devour all in their path, hoping their prey will satisfy the empty despairing void inside– but, it never does.   Do you see the reality of Zombies yet? Many can be rescued – cured of this Zombification if they turn in time and give up embracing the self-lie and embrace instead God’s amazing and available offer of oneness with Him in Sonship.

The question to ask – am I aware of what track I’m on?   Relying on me and my wants and felt entitlements and abilities = Zombie-Ville.   Giving my life to God and trusting Him, enjoying knowing Him and loving Him and others more, walking in all that Jesus died to give me on the cross and putting off the old dead self and putting on the new bright amazing life of God, His heart and mind, uniquely in the way only I’m designed to wear it in this world and forever = Amazing Kingdom Child of God. 

Are you headed for Zombie Ville? Take note of the road you are on and then take seriously the invitation of God (He'll never force you, but, you don't want to miss this train!).  Don't wait, times are unsure and things happen quickly!  Choose you this day whom you will serve.  He’s more glorious and wonderful than you know and He loves you and has been waiting for you to turn to Him.  

 Proverbs 16:25 The Message (MSG)
25 There’s a way that looks harmless enough;
    look again—it leads straight to hell.
 Proverbs 12:28 New Life Version (NLV)
28 Life is in the way of those who are right with God, and in its path there is no death.
 Matthew 7:13-14 New Life Version (NLV)
13 “Go in through the narrow door. The door is wide and the road is easy that leads to hell. Many people are going through that door. 14 But the door is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life that lasts forever. Few people are finding it.
 Matthew 24:10-13 New Life Version (NLV)
10 Many people will give up and turn away at this time. People will hand over each other. They will hate each other. 11 Many false religious teachers will come. They will fool many people and will turn them to the wrong way. 12 Because of people breaking the laws and sin being everywhere, the love in the hearts of many people will become cold. 13 But the one who stays true to the end will be saved.

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