Thursday, December 19, 2019


Almost no one is talking about this (see the link below to watch Eric Metaxis' full interview of Sidney Powell - attorney for General Michael Flynn), but, our nation is being hi-jacked, sold out and transformed into a machine of elites empowered and protected by an enforcement arm of terrorist prosecutors that make real their agenda by any means, with impunity! It is shocking and horrific!! Intentional misconduct and intentional targeting - hit jobs - lying about and withholding the truth and mischaracterization of people and situations for a specific agenda - not justice! Forcing people by coercion and torture into agreeing to plead guilty! It's terrorism in our own government against the people's will! And every day people, citizens, are being misdirected - distracted by so much hyper-focus on hate and whipping up anger. People - wake up! You are being duped - sold out! These Prosecutorial thugs are protected in the commission of their unethical practices, withheld evidence, torture and illegal actions - anyone else would be thrown in jail, has been thrown in jail for this! They are doing this every day, while your rights are being removed, ignored and taken from you without you even realizing! Do not be fooled – the same can happen to you!!

And where is our free press, the ones who actually research things and hold accountable the powerful?  They are accessories to this debacle. They are owned by the same bad actors in this mess. They don't report anymore - they are a propaganda machine for damage control and telling people what to think.

With Trump, as much as you may not like him, I'm not a fan of his ways, thank God he has the temperament and skills to take on these snakes! In looking at this debacle of our justice system, I believe God is using Trump to block the complete overturn of our government and bring awareness of this evil corruption. Do you see it? You may not like Trump, but the alternative is the complete loss of our nation and it's freedoms. He is not the one who put these people in place and fostered and protected these practices that are escalating! He is one of the few taking on this monster and putting a stop to it (no wonder they wanted to impeach from before he took office)! Supporting him - it's really supporting us, The United States of America! As much as you dislike his conduct I urge you, for our nation, to protect and support him, but, don't take my word for it - view and read for yourself what is going on and then decide!

It is good that all this is being revealed (nasty as it is) - it give us, the people, a chance to stand up against this tyranny.  We've been sleeping - time to wake up and stand up! Praying God's help, protection and blessing over our nation.

Here is the link to Eric's interview of Sidney:

And here is a link to one of the articles Sidney refers to by Jed S. Rakoff in the

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