Ultimately, God brought Job through everything. He remained committed to him. Job materially changed through direct encounter with God! He says, "My ears HAD HEARD OF you, but now my eyes HAVE SEEN you." He saw things too wonderful - can you imagine really seeing something too wonderful? For what Job needed to know - God knew seeing was what He had to apply.
Some do not believe God speaks to people today. While I've loved and believed in Jesus since I was a little child, my Grandma Nina-Bell (pronounced "9-ah") introduced me to Him when I was around 1, I did not recognize that I do hear God until many years later. I began to recognize His voice at about 38. I loved the Lord, the church, the word, prayer, worship, serving, bible studies, Sunday school, choir, reaching and helping others long before 38. But, I began to notice something over time. It slowly crept up on me - something clearly was missing. God started and proceeded to stir up a blazing fire in my heart, a constant yearning to know Him more deeply - in every day, every moment. I was driving along one day and became overwhelmed and pulled over. I felt such a longing and so wanted to know God that I finally cried out loud to Him, thankfully, I was alone in my car in an empty parking lot! (Crazy lady!). I said, "God! IS THIS ALL THERE IS TO YOU?!". It was really quiet. I poured out my heart to Him, telling Him I wanted to know Him and that if He was really the God of the Bible, to really really show me! I spent about an hour in my car talking to Him. It felt like just moments. Basically - no audible voice, no visions, no signs, nothing out of the ordinary in human terms happened that day in my car. But that day in my car - absolutely everything happened. Very soon after that day, God brought miraculous things into my life that did involve His voice, visions and signs. Some of them I was very unprepared for, but along with everything He provided His beloved people to walk along side me to mentor and help me grow - still walking and growing today! He took me on amazing adventures where I saw, heard and felt Him guiding me. He showed me how faithful He is for me - how committed to every detail and how HE does not need my help, I can rest on Him. I get to share that now with others because I know it so personally. And I get to share all that He's made me for and shown me. He has spent every day in the years following that day showing me who He really really is! Some of the things He's shown are wondrously amazing. Some are strange. Others, I can't really describe in any real way. For many years my biggest fear was appearing "weird". I'd plead, "Don't let me look weird God. I won't do it if I do." Hey, I am weird. Just ask my husband - he'll tell you. :) I have come to embrace my weirdness, and while I have moments where I may like to think it would be better if I did not - I'm leaning into God in the midst to live from my whole heart. But, weird really, when you look at the Kingdom, is normal. Counter intuitive. First are last, Lowest is greatest. We unconditionally love the unlovable. Yeah, Kingdom people are weird in the world's eyes. I've learned I can't back away from things that God is prompting for and I don't want to this year. My growth and stepping out isn't really FOR me. It's really FOR Him and every person He uses me to touch. But, I have to choose to be committed. I am the only one who can choose that for this life and I do. So, this year it's clear to me and I'm movin out in unprecedented ways. No stopping, no caring about how it looks, no caring about how anyone feels about it. God's been so big and good - meeting me right there with open arms. The urgency level and seeing God more is moving me to toss my stupid pride. Seeing God, it's not something I can fully explain or describe - except to say how all out humbling, sobering and terrifying it can be. But, it's also essential and good and glorious! His answer to me - when I finally recognized I hear Him, "No, December, there is MUCH MUCH MORE TO ME and I've been waiting for you to ask."
In this time, God is waking people to Him, to know Him as never before. Those who seek Him will find Him. Once they know Him, really know Him, they'll never look back - He completely wrecks people for anything other than Himself (that is the best wrecking that could ever take place!). People who behold Him will become like Him. BIG GIANT STEPS on the way! :D
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