Maybe you know me. Maybe you don’t. I have always known and loved you. Long before you were born, I knew what every
one of your days would hold. I crafted
in my heart your design and my vision for who you would be, putting part of me into you. I reveled in the role you
would play in the world and eternity. When
you were conceived I rejoiced that you had stepped into time. I formed and shaped you with great care in
your mother’s womb. When you were born, my excitement and love overflowed! I smiled and danced to your long anticipated life in the world!When you were a baby, I walked with you as you developed and grew, wonder and discovery in every moment. I cared for you and protected you, delighting in your “ah –ha” moments and holding you through your tears (catching every one).
I saw your attempts over the years to venture out and try new things. I sang over you with joy when you manifested the beauty and creativity I placed in you and stayed close by your side grieving, as you did, moments of deep pain, hurt and injustice when you withdrew, feeling un-seen and un-valued.
You are priceless to me. No one else is committed to you in the way that I am. My love and care for you is life-giving and transformational. When you give yourself wholeheartedly to me, I bring you into line with your glorious original calling and design. You are one-of-a -kind, there is no other like you. No other person will ever replace you in my affections and only I can appreciate every detail of who you are. My heart is always for you and I am jealous for you to be who I’ve made you to be. You will be restless and unsatisfied being anything else! Your own vision of you will never match the astonishing true potential you are in me. Your very design requires relationship with me, though I will never force that. That doesn’t mean I am not relentless in pursuing you, but, I invite you because I want you to come from a real heart commitment on your part.
Come to me. When you understand and see my heart for you it will not be difficult. Give yourself to me, and we will begin a wonderful relationship and the process of washing away any hurts, worries or troubles. My powerful love, peace, joy and provision overcome every deficit and need. You will shine with the brilliance I designed in you! You don’t have to “get better” to come – I love you just as you are, right where you are. Come – just come. Don’t wait! See me here – turn around! I’m waiting with arms open, for you! See my eyes of love over you. I’ve been longing to show you amazing things. I will bring you such life and wholeness! You cannot do it on your own and were never designed to.
I’m standing here right now looking to see what you will do with this letter. I’m knocking on the door to your heart – open to me!! Open and I will come in and dine with you. I will make my home in your heart and you will never regret it. Make my joy complete and your own as well!
I love you,
God (The Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit)
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