Showing posts with label Atheist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atheist. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Died

Today is the day I found out that Christopher Hitchens died.  He died December 15th from pneumonia - complications tied in with the esophageal cancer he was fighting. I found out inadvertently through reading some people's Face Book entries about his death.  I'm sure many may wonder how I could care anything about him. I have to say, I didn't expect to cry but can't seem to stop tonight. It makes me so sad and shocked to hear it. I knew he had been ill for some time, but did not expect it or that I'd take it this way.  I was just  recently talking with a friend about him. 

Papa put Christopher so heavy on my heart for many many years.  I had no illusions about his views or lifestyle. I was well acquainted with his alcoholism, the many things he's said and written about God, Mother Theresa, faith and other things over the years and his crazed "in your face" staunchly "New Atheist - or Anti Theist" stand.  Despite all that, I find something about him resonates.  Really.  There was a brilliance and passion for writing and speaking on things he believed in that were quite breathtaking. Sadly, his giftedness for persuasion was very effective in bringing many around to his views.  Though I have no agreement in any way with much of what his life stood for, I must acknowledge his superior abilities and grieve greatly the tragedy that they were so misguidedly used.  Even more tragic is the loss to Christopher of the relationship with Christ that would have brought him such deep restoration and peace.  He always struck me as a man very very angry with God.  In publicly decrying and denying Him - he flaunted his utter disdain and contempt of God - putting Him in His place in the only way seemingly left possible to him.  I had seen in Christopher a very little boy left alone in desperate straights to fend and defend and very much wondering where God was when injustice regularly ruled in the world. I think he was somehow hoping to provoke God to a throwdown.  In all these years God's impressed upon me how deeply He loves Christopher.  What God impressed upon me has really shown me so much about God and Christopher - maybe that's why his passing has touched me so much.  I have always had hopes about him in my heart.  He has a brother who knows Jesus and though they'd had some very great differences over the years, they had remained in contact and I believe were on the best terms in 50 years right before he died.  I always prayed that Papa would open his heart and bring the right persons into Christopher's path to reveal Jesus in the way he would authentically recognize and see the truth about Him. I always hoped he'd embrace Christ's love for him and lay down his monstrous devastating hurt, rage and pride.

I don't know what state Christopher died in - whether he came to Jesus or not.  But, I tell you, on that day - when all the beloved gather at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, I hope to look into the faces and find his there. Really.

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