Showing posts with label Expecting Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expecting Jesus. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I'm Expecting

I’m Expecting! Yeah, I’m over 50 now and have had 4 children, so, most people would not think it – but, I’m expecting! I want to shout it from the roof tops I’m so excited about it! Before, I never really thought something this wonderful would happen to me. No, no – Bob and I are not having another child.  But, yes, I am expecting!! 

How can it be?  Yes, Mary asked that same question and she was a virgin, never with a man.  The angel told her how the Holy Spirit would come over her and she would bear the child Jesus, who would save the whole world.   It’s the same with me!  Though I'll not have a baby - the real Jesus is being formed and born in me.  It's an expectant life - not knowing exactly what will play out, but knowing the greatness of the One who made it all and is active in every moment. Mary, you’re such a great encouragement in modeling how to walk through this. When I gave my life to Jesus and accepted the blood of his life given for me and received the newness of His resurrection – the Holy Spirit also came over me and now I too am expecting - bearing Jesus.  May it be to me as you have said, Lord.  Could you tell, am I showing yet? New moms, we're always wanting to show. Haha!

Each new moment with Jesus growing in me is a wonder.  Though there are days where there is no room in the crowds of the people of the world for Jesus to be birthed - birthed he IS!  Where many hearts are not open to his coming, there still are angels and host in the heavenlies announcing Him with great joy, shepherds in fields who see the signs and wise men – there are still those who come, who rejoice and gladly and humbly bear him the gift of their hearts.  Oh and I have the aches and pains that new birth brings, I’m certainly walking and moving differently these days.  My gait is changed drastically – you cannot be expecting without THAT! But, the evidence of the new Jesus life in me only makes me more and more overjoyed. I'm so grateful. The little kicks and movements of Jesus in me – they delight me so and fill me with awe! My soul magnifies you, Jesus. What an amazing life, he is so very real in me.  I never expected so much goodness and I marvel. Yep, there’s no denying it now, I’m heavy with expecting!  And, I loved putting on the new clothes attendant with expecting Jesus – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control – these are not only beautiful and stylish (better than anything I’ve ever worn before and they are so me now!), but they are so functional (they allow me the freedom I need with growing Jesus in me).  And, remodeling has been taking place too - my life and my family's life - we have new areas fit and continuing fitting for the King of Kings!  Do I sound a little giddy?! Well, really I am and I don't care who knows it! :) It is brash and too much! Yes, it is. Because Jesus really is THAT GREAT! And the good news of not only His coming, but coming to live in us - well, IT IS JUST TOO MUCH!  I can take no credit for it - but I shall take great joy in thankful outrageous rejoicing about it! Isn't that what makes good news so good?!!  It is worthy of a real response that big and bigger! 

Ahh, and as I look around – so many others throughout history, now and into the future are expecting too. It’s quite a maternity ward, the earth!  Men and women, children and elderly, people of every tribe and tongue on the earth – Haha!  Quite a Kingdom, I'd say.  You can always tell when you meet an expectant one (wherever they are in their gestation), they are always glowing with Jesus – oh, He shines quite marvelously! The further on they are, the more He’s out front!  Ha!

Are you expecting too?  Oh, my dear friends and family - I wish for you the same as me, that you would also be expecting Jesus in you.  And, I don’t just wish it on Christmas (though that is a fabulous time to enjoy Him).  I pray it and wish it every day, for you - truly! Our heavenly Papa’s joy over you and all your loved ones this Christmas! And wonder – the deep kind that makes your mouth kind of drop open a bit – wonder of Jesus!  Love and hugs, oh yes, if you can get your arms around me - Haha!

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