Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Kings and Queens and Fairytales

Are you disillusioned with the US Presidential Election this year?  For a while I watched this thinking, “It can’t possibly get worse”.   It is surreal. 
Honestly speaking, I hold a mix of views that has never been covered by just one political party.  I’ve been registered as a Democrat at times and Republican at times in my life.  I’ve really only ever registered in order to vote and typically have registered with the party that most closely embraces more of the things I find important at any given time.  I have never been a strait party line voter.  I never miss an opportunity to vote and take it very seriously.  Too many people died to give us the opportunity to participate in self-governance.  Sadly, many have lost sight of how precious that is. 
With this Presidential Election everyone can clearly see how broken our system is.  I am not in favor of either Hillary or Donald.  They basically have the same character, if you dare to take off your political colored glasses.  Neither of them is worse than the other, in my estimation.   Different wrapping paper does not hide that core truth.  And, I’m not blaming them!  I am praying for them and our country.  The fact that they are the candidates is a direct product of choices we’ve made.  That these are what our system has produced as the best 2 main candidates to lead the country says something very ugly about us.  It reflects an unwillingness to take our responsibilities seriously.  We and previous generations apparently stink at making hard choices.  These candidates are  just one more "wake up" slap in the face for it!  We have not only shaken hands with those who would see “every-day people” ousted from governance, we’ve gone to sleep leaving them at the switch! We’re getting just what we have allowed and chosen.  Hillary and Donald – Wakey! Wakey!
I have seriously prayed about this election, the candidates and our nation. I believe that whoever is elected, God is able to ultimately do what He wants done.  And, while He will work in and through those who love and follow Him to bring about all He intends, He will also work through those who don't!  God has had tougher human leadership to deal with throughout history. It's no challenge to Him to work through those who have no interest in Him or allegiance to Him and His Kingdom values.  And, He is bringing His glorious Kingdom, birthing it, through some very heavy and painful labor.
So, what am I going to do?  Actually, if it were funny I would find it laughable. Sadly, it’s not.  I’m voting for Donald Trump.  Yeah, crazy!  I can hardly believe it’s what I am saying. I finally came to the decision after not wanting  to decide at all.  Many will find this ridiculous – I find it so myself.  So many egregious issues with Donald Trump, it makes me ill.  There is no defending his choices in any way and I wouldn’t even want to try. Both candidates have made bad choices.  And, I make bad choices too, so I can relate to that.  Ultimately, there is only one reason I am voting for him.  It is because he is not the establishment candidate.  Even his own party hates him.  I don’t know why, but I find something about that reassuring.  There is a prompting for me in it. That the system does not like Donald Trump, out of everything going on - that encourages me.  It is very telling that not one good candidate on any side could seriously get in this year.  No one of great character, with a heart for the people and leadership quality was able to make it to the final selection stage.  Our system actually won’t allow for that anymore!   So, since only way messed up people can make it in this way messed up system I’m going with the candidate that way most offends the entire system’s sensibilities.  It is evident that we need a “re-set”.  A re-set will be very painful, messy and extreme – more than people know.  The future with the system we have now (that continues to lull people to sleep in accepting the horrific) I believe it will be even worse.  Better to wake up and go at this head on with eyes open - though many will want to remain sleeping.  Whatever happens with the election, our horizon is full of very great challenges.  And, I don’t hate people who choose to vote for Hillary, though it pains me deeply to think about her being held up as the first woman in the office of President.  It pains me just as much to think of Donald in that office.  I love a lot of people who I know are voting for Hillary.   I’m not going to stop loving them, whatever happens.  Hating people feeds in to the distraction from the real issue and just wastes lots of energy and resources.   And, believe me when I say I’m not fooling myself into thinking that any choice, at this point, will lead to an easier future.  We’ve spent far too much time taking the easy way.  It will be a painful road, but, God is with us on this road and is out ahead.  I am looking to Him and believing He is bringing something amazing and we get to bring it with Him! He is willing and able to bring His good through his people.  He is doing it, even now!  Many times He does things in ways I can’t understand, but, Jesus always proves He is King over the impossible!  He is raising up Kings and Queens in this time – His children that stand and shine with His heart and power - His victorious Kingdom!  I thank you, God, that you can make and bring your goodness to people and will even through difficult and painful times and leadership!  I praise you for who YOU ARE - unlimited and ever faithful in love, power and purity!

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