Showing posts with label small world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small world. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

It's A Small World After All

Haz Com training today.   It’s always interesting working for a manufacturer.  It keeps me aware of the world in ways I would be oblivious to otherwise.  Back in 2011 my blog post “Interdependency” talked about world vulnerabilities and the very real opportunities.  Today, as the Global Harmonized System (GHS) was unveiled - I was struck once again by how very fast all of this is unfolding! 

Requirements were revised by Cal OSHA to align with the United Nations’ classification and labelling of chemicals and mandatory compliance is required by December 1, 2015.   This is only one of many “world standardizations” that are even now coming into effect.  Again, I was struck by how interdependent and “small” our world truly is!  Many who do not work in this may not realize what is taking place.

On my way home tonight, for  BOLD emphasis, I saw a truck on the road carrying gas cylinders and it had the new pictoral images already displayed on the front bumper.   

As I noted in 2011, many have a tendency to look at this in only a negative way.  I am seeing amazing opportunities all over this and, I am not alone.  The reality is that our world is becoming more interactive and interdependent than ever before!  We now have contact with even small communities in the world in ways never before realized. With Christ in us, the possibilities are limitless!  It is a small small world, indeed.

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