Showing posts with label unity.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unity.. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Just WOW.

My brain is spinning and my spirit is peaceful and buoyant all at the same time – what an interesting sensation! I don’t think I’ve ever been on this ground before or had an experience quite like this – a whole new territory is open and new exciting treasure is ready to be found!  Yahoo! Though I’ve been sitting with Papa on the topic of “mergers” since 2008, what He revealed tonight was amazing! 

Smart management always enters a merger with good leadership. This includes a well thought out vision and plan as well as developing and working along-side brilliant team leaders who understand and embrace that vision and plan. AND,< KEY POINT HERE> team leaders become consummate at articulating and demonstrating this to the rest of the team as well as encouraging, empowering and releasing them to understand it and move into alignment with it.  They are also agile and adept at precipitating glitches and urgent things on the fly, as they come up, and realigning all along the way!

I’m actually in the midst of many (merger) situations myself (funny huh!) and there are lots of aspects that are sensitive and important.  The following are some things right now that stand out big and grab my attention:

·      1. When you are merging two very different entities into one it's important to maintain focus on the new identity and it's benefits.  Do not indulge contemptuous and/or patronizing attitudes toward either entity as a result of operational differences or understandings (no matter how much the differences cause fear and anxiety).  Whether or not something is working or not working, smart or ridiculous, an attitude of arrogance or devaluing is always, always, always  going to move things in the wrong direction.  Whether or not you actually voice this heart attitude to someone or not – they see it!  Instead, learn to develop and embrace a shared vision.  Hey, you are going to be together here a long time.  Intentionally lean into a culture of engagement. Really see and appreciate each other's true areas of gifting and potential and sincerely convey it.  But more - learn to understand that you need each other, because - you do! Learn to walk respectfully through difficult and sticky areas and agree that while you may disagree, you will not disengage or resort to subterfuge or undermining one another.  Relationship is huge here.  And, believe for the very best - remain hopeful and act in alignment with the potential (negativity is very draining, for everyone).

Really important note about this – the only person you can really do anything about in regards to attitude is YOU and that is truly enough for any person to manage.  Don't "story write" about other people's intentions or motives. Be relentless in examining your own heart, motives, attitudes and actions.  And be intentional to root out negative unproductive ones and replace them with the right ones.  You actually GET TO walk out goodness, graciousness, mercy and kindness and an over the top hopefullness here.  And give grace to yourself and others in this process.  THIS MATTERS. Lip service is a fail here and THIS IS A TEST!  One note - God keeps giving you the test until you pass. ;)

·       2. This is going to be messy!  Yes, just get over it – nothing about this will be tidy. Change – it is typically dreaded and ever the constant.  Even in the best case scenarios, where everyone is positive and moving through implementation of a vision/plan that’s well conveyed and unfolded.  It’s the nature of change to be a challenge to old and new alike and there is always something that will need to be adjusted along the way.  It’s going to be this way.   It does not mean that messy = fail.  Or, even that some failure along the way = ultimate debacle and obliteration.  It’s just the nature of this process.  It's good and important to be willing to engage, stay classy and connected through messiness!  And if you are really extra smart you will use it to see what it is that comes up inside of YOU in the process and see it as opportunity!

·       3. There is going to be hard work involved.  Yep, it’s a given.  Changes always involve lots of work.  And it can be very intense and sometimes seemingly all at once.  Do your best, but, don’t try to be superman or wonder woman (burn out is sure to happen with this mentality). Plan out and move in alignment with the plan and be thoughtful, communicate good boundaries and be willing to make adjustments along the way.  Get good rest, take care of your health, take breaks, make time for fun and celebrate successes and milestones all along the way! Keep focused on the vision and goal – it’s a place we’ve never been before and it’s exciting and full of promise and potential!  Remember, this momentary push is not forever and things will not always be this way. Find the joy in who God is in every moment – even and may I say, ESPECIALLY the hard ones (God is particularly radiant in less than easy circumstances)!

Sheesh!  I see an unlimited sea of possibilities here!  I'm still pondering it. Merger – it does not have to be a cause for fear. And hey, do you see it?!  It's an unbelievably exciting future on the horizon ahead! There is a radiant identity emerging.  Let's MERGE with EXCELLENCE!  Gosh, that unity sound, it is just BOOMING!

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