Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Wave

A vision had come to me some time back. I was reminded of it again recently. I don’t get visions very often, but try to note the details of them when I do.  I was on the beach, typical sunny day, looking out to sea and all of a sudden a huge wall of water forms and is moving at great speed toward the shore.  At first I have a little start of panic about it.  And then, I’m more interested in how it looks than how devastating it is.  It’s getting closer to shore and I’m not doing anything but looking at it.  It is hundreds of stories high – just a solid looking wall moving toward me.  I’m alone on the beach just staring at this tsunami wave as it’s almost up to the shore. 

Next, I am all of a sudden on top of this wave and it’s frozen. It’s still liquid, but it’s suspended as a liquid wall of water at the shore.  Jesus is standing on top of the wave with me and I am rather awkwardly at his side with my feet straight out behind me his arm round my waist and my hands and arms out straight ahead of me flailing about –almost like I’m swimming suspended in air by his arm around me, only I’m anything but swimming.  I am flopping around quite vigorously.  Jesus is remaining still, almost like a statue, but I can feel him breathing and he’s alive and holding me gently, but firmly.   Finally, as I’m sensing His holding me gently and that I’m not hurt or falling I settle down and begin to stop flailing and at last I come to rest standing right beside Him, His arm still around me, but no longer suspending me up.  I’m just comfortably standing with Him on the top of the wave and I am able to see for miles and miles with Him, standing there.

Next, I’m standing on the beach shore again.  Jesus is there and we are looking out to sea.  The wave is gone, the sea is calm and the day is again sunny.  All of a sudden, Jesus turns to me and as He does half of him is plunged into storm and rain, hair soaked with water and rain drops running down his face and arm on one side , while the other half is sun soaked and a light breeze is blowing His hair off of his face.  He says to me, “Not everything is as it appears”.  Then, he hands me a little seashell.  It is whole, white and still shut with a clam or something inside it.  The outside has very fine ridges on it.  I open it and inside is a single large pearl.  That is the end of the vision.

To me, this vision represents application to both personal things and world things. 
For me personally, there has been a period of time I have worked with someone who is very challenging and initially I was at a loss as to how to function around them with the negativity, yelling, shaming and contempt.  It felt the person was out of control and the situation was very unsafe.  This left me flailing for safety.  Until, I remembered Jesus had a hold of me.  As I felt His presence and recognized He held me and was my defender in the situation I no longer felt the need to flail or protect myself.  I stood up and though still held by Jesus, I was no longer flopping around or unsure as to how to proceed.  It turned out that this was boot camp for me and I learned how to stand beside Jesus in His mighty shadow, protected and cared for – no matter the tsunami – He took me to the top, which is what happened.  I’m still going through my “tsunami” moments, at times.  But now I look to Jesus for peace and rest and protection. He is my strong tower and very great reward.

The world is indeed in the midst of just the sight of the tsunami wave!  It is of gargantuan size and scope.  The world feels the momentum power and sees the destructive potential in the wave’s appearance and they know its coming at them with devastation.   They believe they are prepared, but they are very unprepared.  Only Jesus preserves in the midst of this wave and those who know and see Him in this time will shine to those who don’t know Him in this time.  This wave is a life shifting change that no one is prepared for.  God, in His amazing goodness, is actually pouring out in the midst of this wave such an experience, encounter, personal manifestation of His presence, in a way as never before to His people. People will literally be pinching themselves to see if they are awake or not. Jesus will hold fast His people in the midst and pour out life through them!

The vision of Jesus on the beach in storm and sunshine – this speaks to me of not allowing the appearance of things to distract you from really seeing and experiencing Jesus there. I'll  also add that we generally look at things and see something and take away a perception and what we believe will be the outcome of it.  That perception may not be what is really happening or what will turn out to happen at all.  In fact I've been surprised on many counts to see that there were other things at work that I was completely unaware of and things turned out far different than I could have ever envisioned.

The shell and pearl are the most personal to me.  My name is December because I was born December 7th – which is Pearl Harbor Day.  My Grandmother wanted my parents to name me Pearl, but, my mother did not like the idea of me being named after something so tragic.  My mother and grandmother are both named Marguerite and the family hoped I may also be named Marguerite, but, many in our family are named Marge, so, my mother did not want any more confusion with the “Marges” in the family.   The irony is that Marguerite is French for Pearl!   Though I’m not named pearl, it is a symbol in my life.  What it represents is something beautiful forming through difficulty.  The world will see those coming through trials in Jesus in their glory and will be drawn to Him. He will be famous as a result!  The deepest beauty and wonder of Jesus is authentically formed only through great trial and difficulty. We walk in the glory of that when we embrace seeing God in the midst. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015


It was afternoon coming back on the trail and just round the tree covered hill, our camp came into view.  Wincing with embarrassment, right there where we left them, the logs surrounding our site were still strewn with our sleeping bags and pajamas drying in the sun. It rankled how sloppy and unkempt they made our camp look. No one else had laid out their things to dry.  No, all the other troops had neat and tidy camps.  No sign of wet things!  We endured looks from the girls in the other troops that ranged from pity to delighted scorn. 

Rivers of rain had run through our pup tents as an unexpected torrential storm swept over the Jamboree gathering in the early morning hours.  We’d toughed it out and truthfully, we weren’t cold even though we were soaked through.  By sunrise the next morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Hedges insisted we pull out our sopping bags and PJ’s to dry – we protested LOUDLY!  “Today is the camp inspection!  If we lay out our things to dry we’ll never win the Jamboree Troop award ribbon!”  Our very British leaders brooked no disagreement, their faces set like flint against our begging.  And my mom, the troop Assistant Leader, was having none of it.  “You girls will not be comfortable and it’s not healthy sleeping in soaking wet bags – so, get them out, unzip and lay them out over the logs to dry.  Some things are more important than an award ribbon!”  My patrol friend and tent partner Kim and I had just straightened our sleeping bags, cleaned and tidied up our tent for inspection.  We wanted everything perfect in the hopes that our camp would win the big award from the Jamboree leadership.  Mr. Hedges had spent hours hand crafting the award – the beautiful leather and ribbon award was stamped and polished.  We wanted it hanging on our Troop Banner.  We slowly and sullenly complied with our leaders, pulling out our bags and PJ’s and laying them out.  I kept thinking, “Maybe they’ll dry before we go on our hike today and we can put everything away before inspection starts!”  But, as the time came for us to prepare for our hike – the bags were still heavily sodden with water.  Coming back from the hike and seeing the bags and PJ’s was just an ugly reminder that it was over – the inspection had already taken place.  We lost our chance and were in pretty poor spirits about it. 

As we gathered for dinner, we ate somewhat quietly and then cleaned up and prepared for the Jamboree campfire gathering, where the award was being given.  As the campfire time began we sang songs, watched and presented skits and then listened as our district leaders prepared for the award.  Our lead district representative talked about how it had been very easy for them to decide which Troop was getting the award this year.  They actually had only considered one camp from the very start.  I kept thinking – yeah, it’s the one next to ours that has the great layout and all THEIR SLEEPING BAGS ARE IN THEIR TENTS!  The district rep went on to say that Girl Scouting is most interested in building leadership qualities and equipping girls to not only make good decisions, but also in giving them the tools to support and carry out those good decisions.  Then, she announced our Troop number and I was stunned, then instantly overflowing with joy!  Our troop all looked at one another in amazement as our leaders went up to receive our award and we were asked to stand. 

I think of that Jamboree often as a pivotal moment in my life.  I was around 8 or 9, but I came away from that time with a change in me and the way I think about things.  It’s not about how things look; it’s about making good decisions and walking out everything in line to support them, even when it’s not pretty, even when it may seem disappointing, even when you doubt and may believe you’ve lost the prize.  Turns out, things are not always as they appear. Our troop spent a happy, warm, cozy and DRY night in our tents, the beautiful and prized award made by Mr. Hedges hanging on our troop banner.  

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dangerously Good!

New can be intimidating, fear causing and tumultuous – but it can also be fresh, better and amazing!  When Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg church door (Martin – what were you thinking?!)  the last thing the church wanted to do was embrace it. Trouble makin forerunners with their radically foreign and DANGEROUS notions!  They threaten the very existence of everything safe and familiar.  Why, their notions will simply crush and obliterate society and existence as we know it!  Isn’t it interesting that the safe and familiar of today was actually once, historically, perceived as radically foreign and DANGEROUS?  Ha-ha – people forget.  We can’t see the forest for the trees.  The children of Israel, finally liberated from slavery and oppression in Egypt under Pharaoh, wanted to run right back to it when faced with a whole new world of existence.  Were they provided for and instructed in how to operate? God himself physically (miraculous signs, protections and provisions, cloud pillar by day/fire pillar by night) walked with them and gave them Moses to lead, train and guide!  But, as horrible as the old was, it was familiar. Those who led into the Promised Land (Caleb and Joshua) were the ones with vision and a relentless determination to run with excellence and confidence.  They embraced what God was calling for - because they saw it almost as if it were already an established fact. They had the vision early on to embrace the radically foreign and DANGEROUS that God had put forth.  And they knew that what He calls for He provides for.  They never lost that way of thinking.  We are the Calebs and Joshuas of our generation when we see, embrace and run to meet the new in Christ!  When we see it with God's eyes and run with excellence, knowing it's coming, the amazing wonder and promise of Jesus - it unfolds.  I get more than a little excited and I’m afraid I really can’t contain my enthusiasm for God’s goodness here.  He is breathtaking! 

We are on this journey, out beyond the moorings, harbors and every landmark is gone.  When the sea is stormy, no stars are visible and waves and winds are high.  In the vast ocean, far from familiar waters, where direction is directionless, we have the compass and He is ever true.   In all places, times and situations He is true.   And, He’s not just a compass; He is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.  He makes us brave and generous.  He is training, leading and guiding us here!  And, He is good cheer personified.  His countenance is contagious!  He is also abundant provision, strength, guidance, and protection on this journey!  He laughs at trouble and darkness!  He calms winds and seas with a word.   And we are in Him on this journey – this band fixed on His countenance and where He’s leading.   Wherever we are in this world we are one in Him.  We are Kingdom people rising up!  We know one another when we see each other.  We are bound by our love of Christ as one and His love for the world and all He's leading toward.

What a time and opportunity we live in!  Do you recognize it?  I do and I am runnin for all I’m worth!  I’m gonna meet it with joy and grace and embrace everything Jesus wants for these times!  It is radical, foreign and people will feel - DANGER.  But, it is good danger – the kind that blows up the familiar that is passing from relevance. The things in Christ that are relevant will always remain relevant.  We get to have eyes for Him (letting go of the safe and familiar) in the midst of the new ways He is growing His Kingdom - ever in line with His truth. Old things pass away and all things are made new.  The world is coming into alignment – it’s on its way and, so are we! 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

It's A Small World After All

Haz Com training today.   It’s always interesting working for a manufacturer.  It keeps me aware of the world in ways I would be oblivious to otherwise.  Back in 2011 my blog post “Interdependency” talked about world vulnerabilities and the very real opportunities.  Today, as the Global Harmonized System (GHS) was unveiled - I was struck once again by how very fast all of this is unfolding! 

Requirements were revised by Cal OSHA to align with the United Nations’ classification and labelling of chemicals and mandatory compliance is required by December 1, 2015.   This is only one of many “world standardizations” that are even now coming into effect.  Again, I was struck by how interdependent and “small” our world truly is!  Many who do not work in this may not realize what is taking place.

On my way home tonight, for  BOLD emphasis, I saw a truck on the road carrying gas cylinders and it had the new pictoral images already displayed on the front bumper.   

As I noted in 2011, many have a tendency to look at this in only a negative way.  I am seeing amazing opportunities all over this and, I am not alone.  The reality is that our world is becoming more interactive and interdependent than ever before!  We now have contact with even small communities in the world in ways never before realized. With Christ in us, the possibilities are limitless!  It is a small small world, indeed.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Those,  “Oh-so-attractive" coverings that give an appealing front, make us acceptable, palatable, and pleasing to others.  No, I’m not talking about the porcelain dental coverings (though they are symbolic of this).   I’m talking about the masks that we wear to disguise and hide things underneath in us, things that if seen would be disturbing, off-putting or disgusting to others.  All of us have a veneer.  Oh, you didn’t know?!  Let me gently break it to you.  Indeed we all do, whether we’re aware of it or not!  It’s typically easy for most people to keep theirs in place when things are going well and life does not present too many challenges or upsets.  But, give people too many or too daunting a trial through difficult persons, situations and circumstances and BAM!!  The veneer will slip out of place or fall right off and major glimpses of what’s underneath will definitely be seen!  The interesting thing, typically when that happens, I for one, used to blame the ugly in me on the situation or person.   "It’s their fault – if they just didn’t… I wouldn’t act this way!"  Ha-ha!  Hmmm…I try very much not to do that anymore.  Don’t get me wrong – I can still react and I still wish people would not make bad decisions or do things that cause me or others pain – but, I no longer blame them for my choice of response.  I’ve been learning something completely NEW!  Hey, there is nothing we’d rather do than avoid seeing the horrible things we are capable of doing and thinking.   But truly, I have now come to see the amazing positive opportunity in these situations (TREASURE FINDING!).  God gives us a way to be aware of habits we still have that no longer belong to us – things that belong to Jesus, who died and took them to the cross with Him. AND, when we look to Him for the insteads for those things – He is more than gracious and kind in showing us and victoriously supporting our ability to live into those new things!  WOW! Those in Christ now have a NEW nature to live into and The Holy Spirit is unrelenting in teaching us how we can grow in practicing this new life!   The revelation of ugly things is no longer a SHAMEFUL thing.  In Christ, it can now actually be exciting!   Exciting because God is always committed to the “instead” that He’s given us in CHRIST in exchange for that ugly habit once alive, but now dead.

I am learning I can be real and authentic in my journey.  I like that and I love being with people who can also be real and are not afraid to be imperfect in their journey to treasure find the “insteads” that Jesus has given!  I am so thankful for a community of believers who are trained in seeing things this way.  They make the journey a joy and bring light to dark dark areas!  The really cool thing – the more we practice the real NEW life we have in Jesus, the less we are stirred by what previously would have been impossible circumstances or people.  We grow genuinely to produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control in the very places we once produced the opposite!

Jesus – this week, we remember again the deep goodness of who you are.  The suffering you withstood unto death.  The sin, pain and death you bore on the cross and dealt with once and for all! The glorious life you rose to, raising all those who put trust in you!  You are glorious, beyond all compare - incomparable.  You, you made it so that veneers were no longer necessary.  You did away with the need for them!  You made it possible for real selves to actually exist, transparent, authentic and genuine – in you.  I owe everything to you, Jesus.  And, it is my greatest pleasure to learn every way to receive and rest in your great love and live life from it.  It’s a journey I never tire of – finding YOU! You are my one and only greatest treasure. And I love the journey of identifying and shedding veneers with you!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Healing Spiritual Wounds

Recently, someone was sharing about spiritual wounding they had received at the hands of the church family they grew up in.  When I first heard them say it, it was very familiar.  I had heard similar stories to this from various others in this group.  They shared that shaming people for not having faith if they were not healed after prayer was something that was done.  And, that someone who had bad things happen to them was blamed for it as if their thinking had somehow caused it.  Some even had their salvation questioned if they did not display speaking in tongues. I have never seen this type of spiritual abuse myself or been abused in such a way, but I’m recognizing the effects of it in many places.

I was woken up really early about this with a download of many aspects of it. I had not realized it, but this is much bigger than just some individuals it is in many denominations as well.  In response to real abuses by some individuals and some groups there has developed a “hyper-sensitivity” and misperception about faith.  The word faith, as a result, has come to more or less represent outrageous presumption, arrogance and the default suspicion that people exercising it must view and be treating God as their personal puppet who they can manipulate for anything they want.  This has been a case where an actual real wrong, done by people in the church, has been used by the enemy to deceive a whole populace of people in the church and has created such a fear that distorted notions have come to replace a true and real understanding of, value for and exercise of faith.  As a result, there are church faith families who never really even talk about faith and are fearful of the entire topic.  They don’t see any value, they see danger and it actually prevents them from living into all that God has for them.

Just as there is a counterfeit faith marked by manipulation, judgment and shame there is also an authentic faith that is marked by love, power, hope, and the truth of God’s promises, word and nature.  The enemy has stolen (through a hyper response) the inheritance of many faith families.

I always have to laugh; God brings in so much to help me see things clearly (He knows I need it).  Another big piece of this entire question came to me through a daily devotional I read.  The passage in Exodus 19:19 "When the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him with thunder."  The devotional author talks about how the scholars struggled and worked their way through dealing with the idea that Moses could somehow command God in this scenario.  What the scholars concluded is that God used Moses mouth - so in effect it was God speaking to God.  That is a key piece that is poorly understood and warped.  That this is even possible or God’s intention is in question in many faith families.  Part of it is because many were taught and do not believe they actually hear or can be guided in real ways by God!  We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  Jesus lives in us now and we have received His gift of new life.  We are no longer our old nature - all things have been made new.  We are, in line with our design, one with God.  I am in no way saying we are perfect at it.  We are still making a lifelong learning of how to walk that out (putting off old/putting on new) ignoring the old nature habits and living into the fullness of our new nature (this is sanctification).  True faith, is always in line with our new nature - operating from God to God.   It's not from our old nature - from ourselves alone - so it's not presumptuous or using or puppeting God.  It's only ever (when true) from our humility to be submitted to step out into His agenda in reverence for and partnership with Christ.  So, when we pray with confidence - it's not us praying, it's us and Christ praying (from God to God).  We are His vessels for this. And – HE chose this.  We did not choose it.  We get to trust Him and learn to participate and grow in His agenda, His leading.

I acknowledge there are abuses, where people are operating from either their own flesh or failing to operate from partnership with God. Just as there are abuses and wrong understandings in some faith families about faith – there are wrong understandings in every faith family about something. But, God's design is that we would operate in Him and when it's from Him to Him – in humility, it is good and right.  My part is to believe God and the faith part is where there is nothing in evidence that my human eyes would look to for trust – but that my eyes in God’s Spirit see the potential, the opportunity – speak out and move from that which He sees.  It's amazing, and many times overwhelming how God does that.  It’s always humbling.  I'm always surprised anew at God’s willingness to work through humans for this!  And, I love how He is healing these wounds and wrong understandings in such beautiful ways.  And, it's not just about faith - it's so much more.   I see this about His Body - His Bride!  I certainly never feel adequate to the task – but I know He actually receives all the more credit because I’m not adequate. I want to just remain, willing.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Ahhh, beautiful 1st picture of 2nd grand baby!  We are over the moon again!  What is it about a whole new person being formed and coming into the world that brings such excitement and joyful anticipation to my heart?  Sweet baby – you are a delight!  We delight in you and who you are and all that God placed in you to pour out and share generously!

Delight, it seems people do not think much about it.  The word has fallen low on our list of regularly used vocabulary.  Just the word itself, actually saying it, verbally forms pleasure- DE- LIGHT!  It’s so full of promise!  A form of joy – delight is that brightening upon contact with, that ecstatic pleasure taken in something or someone.   It’s the look that loving grandparents have when they see their grand babies – eyes brimming over with love and thankfulness.  It’s that look that good mamas and daddies have - that radiant glow in their eyes for their beloved babies.  It’s that indescribable exhilarating sweetness!

God made us for delight!  We are formed, designed, to first receive delight from God (you can’t give what you have not received) and then we can properly delight in Him!  His true love for us delights us – we take pleasure in his love for us!  But the true place of delight unstoppable is when we delight in Him.  He is the place of significance and value, He holds untellable goodness – He is the source of all things excellent, noble, majestic, perfect, deeply beautiful, loving and kind – He’s holy – no other like Him, the pinnacle and manifestation of true goodness.  His heart is the only true, safe place to find value and worth in and to give value and worth to.  We are safe in His love and His delight in us is genuine.   When we were placed into Jesus (which truly – was before we were ever born) – His radiant look of love and delight were upon us – deeply engaging everything within us.    We have only to look into His eyes to engage once again, deeply.  And, we can practice learning how to do that more frequently and readily.  Funny, when we do that – we become delight!

I have some friends who have trouble looking into God’s eyes and seeing His delight for them.   There have been many things put into their path that has gotten in the way of them properly seeing God’s eyes upon them.  They actually think He does not even look at them or think about them at all.  They don’t know.   Some have been wounded and blinded by other people or situations and have taken that to mean that God is somehow bad or doesn’t care or that somehow, maybe, they just don’t measure  up to deserve His love and delight.  Well, the good news, no one measures up – no person is of themselves, without God, good enough to be worthy.  That’s what makes God’s over the top love and delight so very good!! Actually, God is just really that amazingly generous and kind.  He loves people, warts and all! No person alive is perfect – we all (if we are truthful) know that we have many flaws.  We’d like to think of ourselves as good persons (and we can fool ourselves by thinking we can somehow perform more good to sort of earn worth and outweigh the not so good in us – but, it is a sham, a lie).  The GREAT NEWS, God loves us when we could never be in any sense worthy of love – we could never earn His love and delight (though that is sometimes disconcerting as we prefer to run our own show and make our own way) .  Jesus came and gave himself in order for people to know and be connected to God, who loves them so very much.  He wanted every bit of connection with people, who He loves.  He knows who He has formed each person to be and He – the creator – is the only one who can properly value and fulfill each one.   Each one will only ever be fully who they truly are designed to be by Him and content, truly satisfied, in connection with Him.  All other “selves” we think we could be outside of connection with Him are false and unfulfilling.  They are counterfeits – cheap knock offs.  Many folks are walking around as cheap knock offs of themselves, shunning God’s love and delight and instead embracing their own lifeless, death filled “self –justification”.  They don’t know the maker invites them to live vibrantly fully alive in His delight as the real article.  I love telling them, helping them to ponder it, inviting them to just taste and see!   It’s something I delight in!

    Psalm 1:2
But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.

    Psalm 18:19
He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.

The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

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