Monday, December 20, 2010

Make Every Moment Count!

Make Every Moment Count - that's on my FB information page and wall.  It's something I believe in.  The fruitfulness of each moment.  We get to choose every moment what we will do, how we will think (we can live opposite to our stinkin thinkin) and respond.  I am learning more and more that in order to do the best with my moments, in addition to identifying the best (choice fruit), I need to purpose what not to do.  I know, I know - so, what do I mean?  We do things with our moments that do not make the best use of them and actually "discount" them (Gasp!!).  Yep, we all know it's true.  I am making it a goal of mine to make my moments count more and I have a sort of outline as to how I'm going to do it!  Wanna see? - keep reading. 

In order to make the best use of moments - I need to weed out those things that do not.  So, along with making my list of yes' I need to make my list of things I say no to.  We are only allotted so much time in our lives - we need to make good choices with it (the best choices)!

A short list of things I say yes to:
1.Enjoying and seeing God in every moment and circumstance and His priorities, promises and truths right there (learning all those better and living them out boldly!).
2. Loving people more and seeing and encouraging them in who they really are.
3. Being present with peace in my moments - enjoying the savor of life in the now and not trying to retrieve the past or forecast the future.
4. Walks in nature - I need connection with creation so badly at times, gonna do more of it.
5. Seeing all roadblocks and problems as the possibilities and opportunities they really are! Seeking to expose lies that I believe and operate from and allowing Jesus' truth to overcome and heal them.
6. Stay aware of the need to say yes and no to the right (best) things.

A short list of things I say no to:
1. Indulging fear. (this is an indulgence I've allowed for too long -it's off my show [whom shall I fear?]).
2. Annoyance and being aggravated - also off my show - I have no time for it and it is too wearing on me.
3. Defending - I don't need to do this.  Who I am and all I am speaks - God is my very great shield.  Those defending are those not convinced of the truth.
4. Good things that are not the best for me - this is huge on my list because I do lots of good things that need to stop.  Listening for God's leading and not my own.
5. Procrastinating - no moment is promised to me.  When I know I'm supposed to be at something - do it immediately at the right time, that's my goal. Procrastination will no longer be allowed to reign - power of moments is in seizing them. This life is a greater gift than I can comprehend - use the little vision I have for how big it is and live into it!
6. Hopelessness - I have no place in my life for this.  I have Christ - the antithesis of hopelessness, so this must go. I am obnoxiously hopeful and really can't worry how it may be viewed by anyone.

So, this is my plan - consciousness about it.  I plan to review these every day and live in them (moment by moment living this plan). 

I'll report back how it's going!  I'm extremely HOPEFUL!  :D

Friday, December 17, 2010

Inertia - an object in motion tends to stay in motion...

Before work every weekday and before other things on weekends, I usually try to spend a few hours sitting with Jesus every morning (weekdays this is after I've sent my hubby off to work with breakfast and his sandwich for lunch - a treat he says he looks forward to very much).  It's a great time of day - the sun hasn't come up yet and Jesus is always so wonderful with my coffee every morning.  Actually, He's wonderful even without my coffee!  Actually (for reals) He's better than wonderful.

I was talking about something today with Jesus.   Why is it that we are seldom moved to action by words? I believe I have a couple of quotes that relate to this on my FB area for quotes - " People’s minds are changed through observation and not through argument."  by Will Rogers and "We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." by Frank Tibolt.

I love words - could you tell?  Unfortunately, with all I've learned over time through sermons, books, talks, classes - there are very few things I've actually put into practice that are helpful.  Why is that?  A friend was talking about this yesterday - he gave a talk about it and it got me to thinking. I have shelves and boatloads  of books and papers and notes - all really good things.  But, how many of them are things I've actually put into practice?  Hmmm... a very limited few.  And, usually, the ones I've done something with are ones I actually had to take a "hands on" portion of training or practicing along with - so I actually am using what I learned - because, instead of just reading or hearing about it, I actually had to do it for a period of time and then I kept on doing it and doing it and now I know how to do it and keep doing it. Amazing how that works!  Actually, it is scientific.

Newton's first law of motion:  An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Inertia is what is at work here.   In order to overcome an object at rest or in motion - energy (force) must be released.  That's why talks or learning where I had to actually practice or do the activity really paid off!
So, here's my thought (I could be wrong, but it seems to connect somehow) - if we know there are things we need to do that are good (let's just make sure they are the best - see my blog entry "When Good is Bad") - let's find a way to start practicing them and once we get into doing them they will become something we always do.  If we have trouble overcoming our inertia to start - maybe we can enlist the aid of friends to help start with us until we get going! Hopefully it won't take a car crash.

That's how this blog started (no, not a car crash)!  A friend started with "April is Action Month" and I took on the challenge and - viola!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Gift of Life

Life - how precious.  Each moment is a gift - that's why they call it the present.

Here we stand.  At a crossroads.  We can worry, fret, weep, mourn, despair, doubt and see all things through the filter of lies and deception.  OR  We can trust, shout, laugh, rejoice, hope, believe and see all things through the eyes of the one who loved us enough to send His very best - for us. 

I got me some laughing to do.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pain and irritation - path to light and revelation

Have you ever had such a painful experience that you cried your eyes out about it, thinking you may never be able to stop? I've felt that way at times. I've also had my share, recently, of irritation. Thankfully, I'm learning how to see differently in the midst of it. I'm not saying I'm highly accomplished at this yet or that I am free of unusually intense aggravation at times (man it still hurts lots at times). But, I am practicing, with the Holy Spirit's guidance, and hope to walk with eyes that see hidden things all the time and whatever else God wants done with it.

So, when situations are tough and ugly and make you want to smack someone - what do you do? I'm learning that every single moment of pain and irritation is a treasure trove of opportunity. Maybe you're thinking I mean character building - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. While there is a component of that to it - it is not the main focus. The main focus is that people of God were never made to suffer pain and irritation in the way the world does. When we know our hope and life is in Christ - the more we learn the truth about that in relationship with Jesus - the less things of pain and irritation will faze us. Doesn't mean we won't be sad about things or righteously angry at times. But, we will see situations and circumstances very differently - especially from the world. We have "Kingdom Eyes". This means we see that opposite thing that God wants us to live into right in the midst of our pain and irritation. It's actually fail proof! If we use pain and irritation as an indicator (flashing neon sign here!), we can always detect right away what God wants us to have and has given us permission to walk in and practice. I love that!

So, when a situation is making me crazy - I can keep banging my head against a wall in frustration and irritation OR I can embrace that God has peace, joy and creative life giving right there for me! I want all of what God wants me to have - I don't want one drop to be missed! That's what God wants too - lucky me! :D

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