Friday, February 3, 2012


We all are in the process of becoming who we believe we are. Yes, like it or not - we live from our beliefs.  Now, if that seems in any way startling or untrue to you - it's possibly because you may not be aware of many things you believe, especially about yourself. Every person is made in the image of God, so all have started out the same in that. However, from the very start of life, each person takes on beliefs that they live from - some are true and some are not.  Some they have an awareness about and some are completely unknown to them conciously.  

We are all born into brokeness and darkness.  When we land here our believer for truth gets messed up, infected with our environment and state. We don't know we're made in the image of God or that we are made for Him (for oneness with Him).  We don't even know what any of that means and we have an enemy who's working to keep it that way. However, God (more than able and always for us) has given every person the  gift of being able to believe Him (faith), if they choose to. Usually God reveals that gift in some way through circumstances or persons in our lives. Some choose to ignore faith in God, even though He's puts that opportunity into each life in ways people can't ignore.  Those who do ignore continually are likely to go down a path to eternal separation from God.  Since God designed and created us for union with Him - our lives will never be fulfilled until we are living into that.  God never wants people to be separated from Him, but He opened creation to the possibility when gave humans free will to choose to love, trust and eternally be one with Him or not. Real love is only real when you have a choice. When we choose to reach out and exercise the gift of faith - by receiving Jesus and relying on all He's done - our standing and ability to believe rightly is materially changed.

Receiving Jesus involves many things - some are imediate and some over time. It is:
  • An eternal miraculous final change that happens in a moment when we first believe Jesus' provision for us personally. His shed blood's power over our sin and our need of Him. That trust in Him makes us forever God's beloved children. 
  • An incremental process change that happens over a lifetime when we live from the image of God in us through partnering with the Holy Spirit - submitting our life to Him and materially manifesting Jesus and living our lives as God's beloved children on the earth. It is learning to live in who you really are, in Christ.
  • An eternal fact that was established before the foundations of the earth when we were seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly realms.  This is Father God's heart - the continual assurance of constantly living with God in His loving joyous state and it guarantees everything. It's a glorious paradoxical mystery.
When we receive God initially on earth, our eyes open to Him and His provision in Jesus - our eternal unity and reconciliation in God. But it's our living in the light of being made in God's image (something the Holy Spirit teaches us and guides us through) that allows us to become the glory of God and shine the reality of Jesus on the earth in every situation, circumstance and person around us.  This is when He unfolds in us as a process.  We grow up into all things in Christ Jesus.

There are specific and precious things of God held in each and every person waiting to be shared with all the others. God is so amazingly big that no one person can hold all the great and wondrous things He is. That is why each person really is priceless - each one holds the miraculous representation of the image and heartbeat of God in a way that no other can replicate.

God is so creative - His ways of sharing Himself through creation, individual lives, circumstances, unity, groups, everything - He is stunning, jaw droppingly awesome. He is so big that I would have difficulty wrapping my mind around Him except for faith. The faith that God's given - the ability to believe Him and trust in things I'm not able to understand - THAT is such a miraculously marvelous gift. That gift is grounded in the assurance of being eternally seated with Jesus in heavenly realms - seated in the Father's affection together with the beloved ALWAYS! What a permanent solid anchor that is. God is awakening His beloved in this time at an unprecedented level  It is such a beautiful and amazing time to live.  Thank you God.  Beloved ARISE!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christopher Hitchens Died

Today is the day I found out that Christopher Hitchens died.  He died December 15th from pneumonia - complications tied in with the esophageal cancer he was fighting. I found out inadvertently through reading some people's Face Book entries about his death.  I'm sure many may wonder how I could care anything about him. I have to say, I didn't expect to cry but can't seem to stop tonight. It makes me so sad and shocked to hear it. I knew he had been ill for some time, but did not expect it or that I'd take it this way.  I was just  recently talking with a friend about him. 

Papa put Christopher so heavy on my heart for many many years.  I had no illusions about his views or lifestyle. I was well acquainted with his alcoholism, the many things he's said and written about God, Mother Theresa, faith and other things over the years and his crazed "in your face" staunchly "New Atheist - or Anti Theist" stand.  Despite all that, I find something about him resonates.  Really.  There was a brilliance and passion for writing and speaking on things he believed in that were quite breathtaking. Sadly, his giftedness for persuasion was very effective in bringing many around to his views.  Though I have no agreement in any way with much of what his life stood for, I must acknowledge his superior abilities and grieve greatly the tragedy that they were so misguidedly used.  Even more tragic is the loss to Christopher of the relationship with Christ that would have brought him such deep restoration and peace.  He always struck me as a man very very angry with God.  In publicly decrying and denying Him - he flaunted his utter disdain and contempt of God - putting Him in His place in the only way seemingly left possible to him.  I had seen in Christopher a very little boy left alone in desperate straights to fend and defend and very much wondering where God was when injustice regularly ruled in the world. I think he was somehow hoping to provoke God to a throwdown.  In all these years God's impressed upon me how deeply He loves Christopher.  What God impressed upon me has really shown me so much about God and Christopher - maybe that's why his passing has touched me so much.  I have always had hopes about him in my heart.  He has a brother who knows Jesus and though they'd had some very great differences over the years, they had remained in contact and I believe were on the best terms in 50 years right before he died.  I always prayed that Papa would open his heart and bring the right persons into Christopher's path to reveal Jesus in the way he would authentically recognize and see the truth about Him. I always hoped he'd embrace Christ's love for him and lay down his monstrous devastating hurt, rage and pride.

I don't know what state Christopher died in - whether he came to Jesus or not.  But, I tell you, on that day - when all the beloved gather at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, I hope to look into the faces and find his there. Really.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gift or Pay?

I was talking with someone today and something she said really struck me.  I asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year.  She said she really didn't want anything, she felt she didn't deserve anything.  Then she mentioned about being good.  I reminded her, Christmas is not about deserving or being good enough - Jesus came/was given to and for those who could never BE good enough (we ALL qualify for that). She didn't really want to talk about that, said she'd been pretty good this year as opposed to last year (this is her estimation of herself). Plus, this year her money's all going to school and other things, so she feels bad receiving when she can't give.  I just shake my head on the inside - how Santa's persona has been put onto God.  How, if we'll just be good enough or give enough ourselves, we'll deserve and be entitled to good things. And how when we're bad or can't afford things, we may feel sort of crummy accepting good things because we (in our pride) have not earned them ourselves and want to!  What a terrible trap to be caught in. To honestly think we can ever really be good, in and of ourselves.  To shun humility and brokenness for that ever elusive perfect state of "self being goodness" and the sham notion that it's actually doable.  This is the trap most of the world is caught in - the "Santa's Watching" trap.  He knows the tally - he knows if we've been good or bad.  Trouble is, he is us and our tally keeping is very questionable at best. We keep the tally with Pharisaic zeal, blind ineptness, and crooked self denial all in one! Jesus, thankfully, did away with the tally board.  He is the only one who could ever strictly fulfill it perfectly and pay in blood for our everlasting inability to boot! And, by simply trusting in His having done it - we have ALL that we could never deserve!  How amazing is that?!!  Now that - that is something to celebrate!! 

So,  repeat after me: "Gifts are not earned".  "Things earned we call Pay". Some people give Pay and call it a Gift - expecting something in return. This is not what God does. God truly gives gifts beyond price that He knows we cannot repay. We are never gonna be able to "earn" eternal life with God. It's beyond earning, even by devout "monk types" with God's grace. He gave life in Himself through Jesus as an extravagantly generous love filled reflection of His heart and intention toward us - we just have to receive and enjoy forever!  It's funny how many, after having professed to receiving Jesus, try to earn Him still! STOP!!  The proper response in a gift genuinely received and appreciated is enjoyment of it  - not stuffing $20 dollar bills in the giver's pocket ever so often to pay for it. It would be funny if it were not so tragic.  When we live wholeheartedly enjoying a gift sincerely given, our earnest enjoyment is all that The Giver ever really intended. We should want to learn to be really good receivers of sincerely given gifts, but then, that's a gift in itself!

I choose gift - definitely gift. Hope you do too! Love to you all!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Got Thanks?

Thanksgiving, it's the big family event this time of year in the United States. Thanksgiving was established in our Puritan roots, Pilgrims fleeing religious persecution to establish Christ's Kingdom in the new world gave thanks to God for all His blessings in the midst of terrible hardship.  Many pilgrims died in merciless trials and difficulties while pioneering the new land. Typically, many Americans associate Thanksgiving solely with deciding which traditional dishes will be prepared, who will prepare them and, of course, what time the turkey will be served!!  This is followed by various pies, desserts, coffee and endless football games where people try to meet the challenge of staying awake (some don't try at all) with a tummy full of turkey and specialty foods.

I ask myself, was there something the Pilgrims knew that we don't?  Within the grimness, sparsity and difficulty of their circumstances - they were thankful.   Modern day Americans may ponder, how could this be? We don't seem to know how to be thankful much.  Oh, I hear people say they are thankful for God, family and other good things, but the same people turn around in the next breath and pour out a stream of such bitter anger and negative condemnation on their fellow man, circumstances and anything else in their path that all traces of thankfulness evaporate in the face of it.   I know this well - I've been the one doing it at times! However, I believe that what the Pilgrims knew is being revealed all over again at a whole new level to a new generation of the beloved - Pilgrims establishing Christ's Kingdom in a whole new way world wide.  We have the opportunity to see circumstances, people and all things through the eyes of thankfulness.  Why?  Because we have an overcoming God!!!  This is not to say that things are not heartbreaking - they are!  But just as things are heartbreakingly broken, painful, ugly and evil - God is so great, joyful, loving, glorious, clean and perfect and He makes all things new - we are His!!!!  Really getting the reality of this (not just in our heads, but down in our hearts) is the important secret to always having the ability to remain thankful.  This world is full of harsh realities, but the beloved have a reality far greater. He is the reason for thankfulness in the very midst of hard circumstances. 

Thankfully, got Thanks!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Overcoming Life

Life on a Rock along the Ernie Maxwell Scenic Trail
Check it out - life on a rock. Came round a corner with my family hiking one day and there it was.  So much said right there. This little succulent planted defiantly, living life, beautifully undaunted - on a rock.  The sparsity, dryness, heat, lack of soil - none of that touched the green life and lovliness of this little gem. Seems prophetic to me.

Been having dreams the last couple of months about catestrophic world changing happenings.  Today, I happened to wake at 1:30AM and knew it was time to get up, journal and pray.  My valley/region was the topic of a dream/vision.  I'd seen a dry, Death Valley landscape with people crawling looking for water - this was looking for water in a spiritual sense.  All around this dry, hot, waterless valley were extravagant billboards that just seemed to mock the dying people amongst them.  These billboards displayed pictures of ice cold water, lemonade, tea and fruit juices in glass pitchers and glasses that looked so refreshing. Not a drop was available live to the people though. Then, I heard the words -
"Rains – rains – rains – reigns – He reigns – His reign!!  Flooding of fresh rivers in this valley coming – reviving, revitalizing, bringing life".

Thankful all Life is in Him and He is in me and I in Him too.

Friday, September 30, 2011

A BIG Piece of the Puzzle!

My mind is overflowing with amazing teaching lately!  Just when I sit to ponder, I begin to unravel it and it leads to even more "Ah HA!" amazing moments. 

It's the "Mind of Christ" - seems He is breaking it out everywhere lately in a huge way!  So, doing, doing, doing - this is the way so much of the church has been taught that they bring change to a hungry world that needs Jesus.  Actually, it's a lie - doing is not the end all be all to all in Christ.  Doing may be a wonderful by-product - but it is not actual "Life in Christ".  Life in Christ is intimate communion with Him that leads to everything in your life being lived through the lense of His eyes.  It's a mind set and lifestyle.  Those things can never be things you just do - they are what you are.

So, how does that look?  In the bible, God talks about how He will write His law upon the hearts of men and women and they will no longer teach each other to know the Lord - they shall all know Him.  This is in both Jeremiah and repeated again in Hebrews.

After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."—Jeremiah 31:33–34 

This is what is happening with those seeking to know God Himself.  They are finding Him.  He is placing His law in their inward parts, written in their hearts so that they are His people - it's an outflow of knowing Him - not having to be taught or teach. 

What an amazing time to be alive in the Earth and to KNOW God!  So thankful - praying relationship with Him just spreads and grows! Amen.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Story Writers

Are you a story writer? Oh, I don't mean someone who writes down stories for publication or even someone good at telling stories, though people who have those talents may also have this type of "story writing" going on.  Though it can be positive, this kind of "story writing" can also be a real problem that I and people like me run into all the time. While I can't speak for everyone, I'm fairly sure most people have dealt with their own "story writing" issues at some time or other.

You ever send someone an e-mail or leave a phone message and don't hear back from them for awhile and the first thought that comes to your head is, "Did I do something or say something that offended them?"  Then, more time goes by and you write up in your mind a whole scenario of how they must be angry with you or are certainly unhappy with you over something? Or, you meet up with someone, have a discussion, walk away and think, "Man, I blew that!  They must think I'm a complete idiot". And the tape of it plays over and over and over and over in your mind? Or, worse yet - you go through a humiliating situation with someone and say in your head, "Well, I'll never be able to have a good relationship with that person again". And, you write off any possibilities.  That's the kind of story writing I'm talking about, where you - with little or flimsy information - write a whole negative story out in your head and pretty much operate from it as the truth.  The stories we write may have no or some teeny shred of fact, but are typically so blown out of proportion or grossly flawed that they completely discount reality or better yet the real potential for amazingly over the top good things to happen.

I'm well acquainted with this.  All of the above and more have occupied my mind at times.  But, I'm discovering I don't have to listen to stories like these anymore or be a party to writing them in my mind.  I have new stories to write with the mind of Christ.  The new stories are much better - they are on the basis of what Jesus says.  I love His stories because they are soo good and most of all - they are true.

So now - I'm choosing, every time I hear a negative story start up, to say, "What do you say about it Jesus?".  Then, I listen for His answer.  I have scriptures that sometimes jump out, but I also hear His words at times in my mind or receive His peace like a soft blanket wrapped round me.  For instance, when I have not had a response from someone for some time and I start to hear the negative story begin - now I ask Jesus.  He says He has not given me a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.  I really rest in that (seeing Jesus' smile over me) and have joy and compassion towards myself and the person.  Then the story is always full of mercy and love and believing the best.  And, it's ended up that people I thought I had lost relationship with due to difficult circumstances - when I listen to Jesus - relationship is actually not only restored, but improved to better than before!  That's just so Jesus!  He's always more than too good to be true - He is Good and He is Truth and He's writing the story of my life!  With Him in it, it's only ever the best!

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