Showing posts with label shedding shame through revealing self. Righteousness of Christ as the real clothing.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shedding shame through revealing self. Righteousness of Christ as the real clothing.. Show all posts

Sunday, April 20, 2014


I was talking with some friends recently and we were noting how God touched us in a similar way when we all saw “The Passion of The Christ”.  We were noting how that film gave us a new level of understanding - a deeper reality and awe of how much Jesus suffered and the horror of his death.  We all agreed that there was such a terrible feeling we had at the reality that Jesus had suffered so hideously for us and yet such a deep gratitude and gratefulness that He did that for us personally.  I noted that the only thing left out of all portrayals and films was the fact that Jesus was also naked on the cross and that this was in addition to all of the tortures and humiliation and shame he underwent.  Then one of my friends noted that she had been studying the scriptures about that very thing and that in looking at how Adam and Eve went from being naked and unashamed into covering themselves once they ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and their eyes were opened that they were naked.  She said that when those who set out to shame Jesus on the cross by putting him there naked were actually fulfilling a divine plan that Jesus was the restoration of those things lost in the fall.  Nakedness without shame is one of the things lost at the fall.  Nakedness is restored through Jesus.

This actually really struck me considerably when I heard her say this. In that moment, Jesus sort of unfolded something before me.  It was considerably daunting and sobering to look at.  Just briefly, Jesus flashed before me that all things are uncovered in heaven for all to know.  There is nothing on this earth we will have done or thought that would or could ever be hidden.  Now, this thought put some deep consternation into me.  I immediately thought of the shame I would feel at being so fully and vulnerably revealed to all others in heaven and it’s because I know I am not completely holy and pure in so much of what I am.  There are things I would want no other person to know about me.  This was actually quite a good exercise for me to undergo, because it revealed my own heart to me. 

I have received so much freedom at Celebrate Recovery – a Christ Centered 12 Step program based on the Beatitudes.  It is a place where I can be authentic and really talk about things without the worry of shame from others. It is confidential and I can be real and take off masks of people pleasing and performance to be acceptable.  I am accepted and can speak about difficult things that I struggle with in a real way – with no judgment. I also have people I am accountable to which keeps me honest. It is amazing how this process cleanses me from fear and shame.  When I am honest and real about what is going on inside me – it always brings me relief and takes the power away from hidden shame.  We are only as sick as our secrets.

The one thing that struck me in what Jesus revealed is that I want to be honest about everything I have been hiding away.  I want to come clean with it long before I stand in heavenly company “naked”.  I want to stand naked – in the sense of real before all people NOW. That is a good discovery to make and one that I take very seriously and am pressing into.

So, I give my testimony again this July at CR.  I’m being prompted to take off my proverbial "fig leaves" and walk more “naked” than ever before.  Clothed with the righteousness of Christ alone – my piteous efforts at self-covering are not only in no way needed, but actually prevent me from living free.  I want freedom – I want it, I want it, I want it! I will have it in greater measure!  Thank you, Jesus.

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