Wednesday, February 27, 2013

True Confessions of a Girl Scout

Was talking recently with one of my daughters and sharing about things not so generally known about me.   

The one thing she brought up with glee is that I've been arrested. Yep! Disgraceful, but true. Do they let Girl Scouts remain scouts with an arrest? I'm sure they don't give out badges for this.  I was booked, finger printed and mug shot!  But, you'll not find me in any police books or even their records anymore.  I was pulled over as a teen for wearing a headset radio while driving my parent's 66 Volkswagen Bug (doggone radio was out!).  Humiliating, I know.  I had never received a ticket up to that point and was the picture of a "model citizen".  I didn't really know what to do.  I did not realize that wearing headphones was illegal, but agreed quick enough that I had violated the law when the officer told me it was illegal.  I was fresh out of High School and was in the midst of preparing for college finals.  The officer seemed agitated and unhappy before he even started talking to me. I think he was having a bad day. He wrote up my ticket and asked me to sign it.  I noticed when I got ready to sign that it stated that by signing the ticket I was swearing that I would appear in court on the date written by the officer on the ticket.  I took that swearing very seriously.  The date was the same date I had final exams at college.  I told the officer that I had finals and that I could not appear that date. I was really worried about it.  He was really angry, brooked no argument and told me to get out of the car!  I was never so shocked when he put my hands behind me and cuffed me!  Then he put me in his squad car and drove me to the station.  I was completely cooperative and did everything as I was told (my eyes must have been big as saucers!!).  The policemen at the station looked at me in disbelief!  They didn't understand how I got arrested. They asked why I didn't sign the ticket - I told them about the court date and they said I could have just re-scheduled with the court for another date!  But too late at that point -  into the SLAMMER I went!  I called my (then) boyfriend (now my husband) to come bail me out.  He still smiles that impish smile when he talks about having my bail ticket tucked away for posterity.  He thinks it's quite amusing that his little "angel face" was arrested and says he wants to hold on to the ticket to show our grand kids what their Granny was really like! :)  Turns out, when I went to court (rescheduled to a different date), the judge heard the whole story and threw out the case.  He apologized for the officer's obvious bad day and told me my record would not reflect the arrest.  I've since been bonded for various jobs I've held over the years, so, I know my record has been restored. I was very thankful. Just a lesson to be thoughtful and aware of cranky officers who are having a bad day! Sheesh!

So, I’ve been asking God to help me root out those things in me that must go.  He’s been completely faithful to tell me and answer my prayer. As a result I now must tell you the parts of this that I wanted to hide and that I specifically lied about so that I could appear less imperfect. 

I actually was told a story, by my brother, sometime well before I got this ticket that not signing a ticket may actually get it thrown out (or I believed something along those lines anyway) so while I was concerned about my finals date, – I was also pushing to see if this officer would throw out the ticket.  Also, I lied - the officer did tell me that the court could re-schedule the date for this – but he would not re-date the court date, so I refused to sign the ticket.  He was right to arrest me.  I was wrong to characterize things as though it was entirely the officer’s fault, even though he really was having a bad day before he pulled me over.  It’s obvious I made his day worse.  The fact it (the ticket and arrest) was thrown out is true and that my record is clean - but now the record is truly set straight.

I am sorry for lying and telling half-truths.  I pledge to tell the truth from now on.  God is helping me to change and I want to go His way, not mine.  I have many failings, but He assures me that He still loves me and that when I walk with Him through difficult and painful things – He surrounds me with His love, care and restoration.
It's ironic, but this is now the COMPLETELY TRUE Confession of this Girl Scout.

The other thing she found really funny is that I used to have a terrible "Potty Mouth"!  Yes, it's very sad but true. Shameful, actually. Behavior is definitely something Scouts address in their pledge.  I wantonly chose to do that. I wonder what might have happened if they ever found out? I used to swear like a drunken sailor as a 5th grader.  I actually became quite adept at swearing as a regular way of communicating on the playground.  It was, "Bleep this" and "That bleeping bleep of a bleeper" and "How the bleep are you today?".  I can truly admit that I was BEYOND in my behavior.  And, it was not just using bad language to express anger or surprise.  I was using expletive words (and quite colorful combinations of them too) to just trail throughout regular conversation in a "matter of fact" sort of way. I think it was a phase I was going through - sort of enjoyed the shock value of it.  I really was quite the well behaved honest and helpful model of a Girl Scout in every other respect.  Hey, I still pretty much am like that. But, my bad mouth ways abruptly changed one fateful day when I nearly slipped up in front of my FATHER!  Oh so NOT gonna happen!  My parents were staunchly mid-western corporal punishment aficionados.  They had no qualms whipping the belt or paddle out and treating you to a whole new definition on your backside - pronto! - when misbehaving took place.  Punishment was swift and painful, but I would say I always felt they were fair - not abusive.  And, though my father would use strong curse words on occasion and my mom would now and then say something when taken by surprise (not quite as strong of language as dad), my brother and I did not in any way mistake their behavior as an invitation to use that language for ourselves around them.  OH NO!  We clearly knew the dividing line between what they could do and what was expected of us (make no mistake about it)!  But, for whatever reason, on the school playground (and really nowhere else) I slipped into this ugly habit.  Well, the day I came face to face with my near impending doom was when I almost casually slipped out a prime curse word in mid-sentence right in front of my Dad!  I caught myself before it flew out, but that near slip was enough to scare the P-Doodle out of me!!  Whew! Fear of God and gratefulness for not getting caught all came flying out of nowhere that day!! I knew I had dodged a bullet and I was hasty in repenting about it too (though it's no real credit to me, repenting when nearly caught!).  I wasted no time in determining never to use that language again and I not only never used it again on the playground I did not use it anywhere at any time.  I turned over a new leaf, speedy quick!  Now, I wish I could say that I have never ever since used bad language.  As a younger adult and at prime moments of insanity - I can say I have used words, on occasion, very unnecessary and very unbecoming.  But, thankfully, truthfully, it is now a thing of my past. I do not find it's even part of my thoughts anymore, even when cut off on the freeway!  Funny how things can change.  Funny how when you are motivated and put your mind to it they change MIGHTY FAST!

Good to share things about human nature and the silly things we do.  And, good to be authentic and real about real things.  I enjoyed the time with my daughter, we had a good time laughing and pondering why we do some things.  They say confession is good for the soul.  It is well with my Girl Scout soul.  :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Letter

Maybe you know me.  Maybe you don’t.  I have always known and loved you.  Long before you were born, I knew what every one of your days would hold.  I crafted in my heart your design and my vision for who you would be, putting part of me into you.  I reveled in the role you would play in the world and eternity.  When you were conceived I rejoiced that you had stepped into time.  I formed and shaped you with great care in your mother’s womb. When you were born, my excitement and love overflowed!  I smiled and danced to your long anticipated life in the world!

When you were a baby, I walked with you as you developed and grew, wonder and discovery in every moment.  I cared for you and protected you, delighting in your “ah –ha” moments and holding you through your tears (catching every one). 

I saw your attempts over the years to venture out and try new things.  I sang over you with joy when you manifested the beauty and creativity I placed in you and stayed close by your side grieving, as you did, moments of deep pain, hurt and injustice when you withdrew, feeling un-seen and un-valued.

You are priceless to me.   No one else is committed to you in the way that I am.  My love and care for you is life-giving and transformational.  When you give yourself wholeheartedly to me, I bring you into line with your glorious original calling and design.  You are one-of-a -kind, there is no other like you.  No other person will ever replace you in my affections and only I can appreciate every detail of who you are.   My heart is always for you and I am jealous for you to be who I’ve made you to be.  You will be restless and unsatisfied being anything else!  Your own vision of you will never match the astonishing true potential you are in me.  Your very design requires relationship with me, though I will never force that.  That doesn’t mean I am not relentless in pursuing you, but, I invite you because I want you to come from a real heart commitment on your part.

Come to me.  When you understand and see my heart for you it will not be difficult.  Give yourself to me, and we will begin a wonderful relationship and the process of washing away any hurts, worries or troubles.  My powerful love, peace, joy and provision overcome every deficit and need. You will shine with the brilliance I designed in you!  You don’t have to “get better” to come – I love you just as you are, right where you are.  Come – just come.  Don’t wait!  See me here – turn around!  I’m waiting with arms open, for you!  See my eyes of love over you.  I’ve been longing to show you amazing things.  I will bring you such life and wholeness!  You cannot do it on your own and were never designed to.

I’m standing here right now looking to see what you will do with this letter.  I’m knocking on the door to your heart – open to me!!  Open and I will come in and dine with you.  I will make my home in your heart and you will never regret it.  Make my joy complete and your own as well!

I love you,
God (The Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How Then, Shall We Live?

I was with a beautiful group of the beloved earlier this month and we were looking at Goals for the year and talking about how we live (what actions we take) in the light of who Jesus is for us.  What a great discussion time that was.  I shared the action I had taken some time back as a result of who Jesus is for me.

I remembered the time in 2006 when a friend of ours (my husband and I) was going through a really difficult time  - his father had just passed away and he was taking care of his mom, who had dementia.  I was listening and talking with him on the phone. I asked him if he knew Jesus.  He was somewhat skeptical, but was so wrapped up in his emotions that he did not want to talk about God.  He could not leave his mom alone and his own grief over his dad and the care of her was crushing him. He did not know Jesus. All I kept seeing, after I hung up with him, was that he was driving at full speed toward a chasm and the bridge was out. It brought up such a welling of compassion for him.  He didn't really want to talk, but God prompted me to pray over our friend and write to him about Jesus.  After I wrote our friend, God tapped me on the shoulder about all the other people in my life who were also speeding blindly down the same road toward that chasm.  As a result, I prayed over and wrote letters to all of our family members, friends and all my co-workers at the time.  I got into trouble about it at my work.  Some of my co-workers were of other religions (my human resources had a talk with me and forbid me to use our company mail boxes for the letter.  They felt I was proselytising).  I had some letters left to give out at that point, so I asked Jesus how I should do it, since I could not use the company mail boxes.  He told me to just walk up to my co-workers - tell them I had written a letter for them and ask them if they wanted it.  All the ones who were left said yes and I gave out all the letters I had - even to my management! :) 

One friend of my husband's, who I had never met, also received one of the letters.  I had never heard from him directly about it. But, one day, about a year after I'd sent the letters, I got a phone call.  A woman on the line was the friend's sister.  She told me that her brother had passed away recently.  It had come about fairly suddenly and was unexpected.  She and her family had gone to his home to take care of his belongings.  In the process, she found the letter.  She wanted me to know that she was a Christian and had always prayed for her brother to come to know Jesus.  She also wanted me to know that in his brief stay at the hospital before he passed, that she had the chance to see and talk to him and that he had read the letter and come to know and trust Jesus.  He was so at peace and happy when he passed.  She was so thankful and we were praising God!  She asked if it would be alright to bring the letter to his funeral for family and friends to read.  I told her, of course!

Just recently, at my company Christmas party - one co -worker's husband came up to me and shared that he had come to know Jesus several years ago and how he had not realized that he needed Jesus, but found out how much he did. He did not mention the letter and I did not really connect his conversation with me that night to the letters to all of my co-workers, but God brought it back to my mind when I shared about it recently.

That discussion was a tap on the shoulder from God.  I can't just write a batch of letters and neglect all those God's brought into my life since then!  So, once again, I am writing letters.  One letter I will be posting here on my blog very soon.  The other letters will go to all the new friends and co-workers who did not get this letter before.  Does it expose me to ridicule, or misunderstanding or resentment?  Sure it does. But, that is not even a consideration when I think about so many speeding toward that chasm blindly, with the bridge out - no signs, no guard blockade, no safety net! Seriously - wouldn't you stand in the road and try your darnedest to stop someone in that real scenario? The eternal consequences are dire.

What is real love? It is a choice to act in accord with the very best good of someone else - no matter the cost.  Do you know someone speeding toward the chasm? Be bold - share Jesus with those put into your sphere of influence.  It doesn't have to be a letter (though letters have quite wonderful longevity and can be stumbled across or pulled out and read again, sometimes at just the right moments in a person's life), but even a phone call or conversation over a cup of coffee with someone who needs to know - it counts!  Take Action!!   And if you don't know Jesus - read the posts in my blog and look for the letter that will be on my blog very soon. 

How then, shall we live?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Embracing Others

I always love traveling to other parts of the world.  It gives me a fresh view of things.  Recently in Germany, I saw many  different people from all over the world. It reminded me of the Body of Christ in many respects.   While I was happy to see people working together and forging new relationships and growth, I also saw the ugliness of people who do not like other people groups or agree with their practices.

The heart of things seems to come to issues of offense.  Just as one culture values certain things others do not value the same things.  For instance, some cultures do not stand in lines (they rush to push in front in a crowd) and treat traffic lights and signs with little to no respect or attention.  While other cultures are very rigid in respecting not only who got into line first, but many will defend someone else's position in ques or lines and expect strict adherence to traffic law and signs.  Each culture may look at the other as being rude and disrespectful while, in essence, it's not personal at all.  Cultures are just different and value different things.

I have been very sad to find that I have taken offense at times with other groups in the body of Christ.  Some have taken offense with me too!  But, I am learning that I can let go of pre-conceived notions about what others believe and embrace the things that we have in common.  I can also love them and honor them.  If I don't agree with everything, I can just be honest in saying I believe something different with grace, and let it be.  I want to do more of that in 2013.  I'm going to get lots of chances!!

I need my brothers and sisters in Christ and I want to support and encourage each one to be who God made them to be.  I pray for God's wisdom, guidance and revelation in this new year of amazing opportunities.  Opportunities to grow in loving people very different!  Some risk involved in that - but then, can't be a true adventure without some risk!  I'm up for it - hope you are too!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


It's been some years I've been yearning for worship to be more than singing about God's greatness.  I've felt more and more how important it is to resonate with God in worship.  The only pure and true worship we can give to God is when we are in complete unity and alignment with Him.  Not speaking, singing or serving at Him or toward Him, but in Him and Him through us.

Every time I've come to a place that embraces worship as speaking/singing/interacting directly to and with God, I've felt I'm home.  It's such a wonderful place and so familiar.  When songs are sung to Him intimately and not just about Him.  When my heart can lift up His greatness as already being present and not just future, not for what will be alone, but for what is!  I love and long for that state always - the state of awareness at whole new levels of His presence.

It's funny, people think I'm a little strange, but every day songs on the radio turn into worship songs to God when I'm in my car driving down the street and changing the words to sing to Him.  Everything belongs to Jesus and I love making them His in every way.  It brings me such joy and floods my heart with love for Him afresh.  I never want to just sing songs the same old way - I want every anthem fresh for His ears - to His heart alone!  When I sing with others - I want His heart to hear my unity with them from my unity in Him.

It's awareness of Him that is all that is lacking.  His presence is always here, always heaven is open.  I do not have to request He come - I just revel that He is always here.  I have the great joy of newness to my eyesight of Him almost daily.  His presence becomes more and more clear to my awareness.  This is what the Bride is growing in - seeing the beloved.  The beloved in our midst - we do not need to request He come or heaven come down.  He is here!  Heaven is here!  He dwells in us!  We welcome you Yeshua!!

How blessed we are to belong to You, God.  How wonderful to grow in knowing You.  I will never tire of growing in this and learning ways to discover Your presence anew.

There are many who resonate in this time.  We make the sound which comes from You in us.  It changes us in the process and the world around us.  It shakes the status quo and changes atmospheres. What an awesome opportunity and privilege!!  Help us to be aware of You more, God and respond, resonate in You!  Pour out your life through me, God - let me live for you alone!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Falling Down

You ever hear that verse?  The one where twenty-four elders are falling down and worshiping - casting their crowns before God's throne and glorifying him saying, "Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.”  

Can you imagine what that would be like? To have that be your sole existence eternally? I'll be honest, when I was first introduced to those Revelation verses my thoughts were, "How boring! Gee, so glad I'm not one of them 24 elders! Sheesh, how tiring doing nothing but constantly falling down night and day for eternity casting crowns in front of God's throne".  I was actually a little afraid that life in heaven would be less than desirable.   God is so funny.  So many years after that initial thought, I was in a study on Revelation and God brought those exact thoughts back to me - like, right between the eyes!  I had to laugh. I mean seriously, I saw how ridiculous my thoughts had been! God just smiled at me. My thoughts had so changed.  Over the years, I had discovered for myself how astounding God really is. Not just the words in the bible about Him, but He Himself, personally - how wonderful He is.  I came to the understanding that it would be the most interesting, amazing and wonderful thing to actually GET to fall before Him face to face, over and over, worshiping. How each time is brand new, astonishing, distinctly fresh and leading to a whole different level of adoration.  Seeing and experiencing previously hidden things, glorious revelation and creative aspects about Him that result in enthusiastic, authentic, wholehearted worship all over again!  Just better every time, for all of eternity!  I actually began wondering how the elders got that assignment. Then I realized I have that assignment - every day, here on earth and throughout eternity.  I am so thankful - so blessed - so overwhelmed when I really think on it - and excited too!   

Lately, I've been waking up in the night thinking about this again.  God's revealing more about Himself in this time. Our lives - they are about oneness with God.  He's made us for Himself.  We, like the elders, get to live each moment in the wonder of seeing new things all the time about Him.  He wants us to know Him.  The most important thing we can ever examine is what we think about God.  It forms everything we do, say and are.  If we say we trust Him, but act in ways that do not fully confidently display that - can we truly say that we trust Him? Understanding, experiencing who God really is in and for us - it's the key to our growing into the image of Christ.

If I'm blessed to have crowns, they'll never be enough.  But, I began to wonder what crowns are really made of.  I talked with God about it and my initial impression is that they are the actions of faith in God walked out every day.  Some are great, some are small - but they are obedience to God and alignment with His Heart in all things - that is the priceless material that crowns are made of.  So much just about worship.  He is so worthy, I want to walk in alignment with Him, not because of crowns I'd earn, but because it so blesses His heart and blesses me too.  I love blessing His heart. His heart is my resting place and crown of eternal love and joy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Amazing Brains

Abby Normal?  
I am continually fascinated by people's brains.  I know it sounds a little strange, but I am always discovering how very little I really know, seemingly, by accidental stumbling over something in someone else's brain.  It's always quite interesting, sometimes puzzling or disturbing, and many times a journey of adventure and discovery.  

People and their amazing Brains - some struggle with many things, yet are quite talented and creative people. Some are loving, others productive. Some are depressed, others are wrecked and in horrible straights.  In every single one I see something so amazing.  I can't tell you how I see it, it's just there like a light.

I went to a training tonight that was a reminder to me again how people, me included, may not recognize things that happened to them as potentially hindering them in the way they respond and deal with things now.  People don't often realize that their ability to cope with things when they were young and possibly underwent difficulties may never have developed properly due to many potential factors.  They run into behaviors that they do repeatedly and wonder why, why, why they can't get free of them or just stop them altogether.  Development for them stopped at a point when they were young and has not gone further.  Typically it's just normal for them, so they don't even recognize it. They keep trying to do the good and right thing, but always fail at some point. Their way of dealing with life is to eat, drink, take drugs or do any other number of repetitive behaviors in order to cope.  They've never developed the ability to cope when young and life can be very overwhelming.  The cool thing is that it's never too late to continue to develop and grow!!  Wow, I see that and experience it myself in Celebrate Recovery (I've started a Food Issues group).

For a long time, food was my very best calming and escape friend.  I could rely that food would soothe, comfort, engage, excite or satisfy me.  Trouble was, the evidence of my "constant escapes" was mounting up all over my body and taking a toll on my health.  This year, God finally got my attention.  And, He was so sneaky about it.  I wasn't really looking for a program specifically, but He put me in one and He worked out every detail so that I could get the kind of "brain adjustment" I needed.  I am continuing to see "healthy lifestyle" vs. "weight loss" develop as a new mind set.

There is one thing I find disturbing. I've noticed that as I lose weight (which is no longer my main focus or even really something I daily pay much attention to) my friends are very vocal to me about my looks.  While it is nice to be given complements, it's also very problematic and uncomfortable.  I'm uncovering something I've run into about me before when I lost weight.  Weight was a very fine thing to hide and wrap myself in for protection. When I'm losing it, it makes me feel very vulnerable and self conscious, especially when people (even women) take note of it. And, it is a double edged sword.  I enjoy looking nice, I don't want to be unattractive - but I also struggle with attention - wanting it, but then not.  Does that seem weird?  It does to me. So, I get to unravel this brain in looking at where this comes from and what Jesus has to say about it.  

I, like many girls, grew up with a lot of unwanted attention because I developed pretty early.  If you can imagine wanting to have attention from boys and then finding that the attention they wanted to give was purely from an overactive attraction to your body and no real interest in you as an actual PERSON, well, for someone like me (sporty, nerdy sort of girl with a real brain and soul) that was torture, very hurtful. Sadly, I knew some girls who were talked about constantly as having horrible reputations all because of their body - no basis in any facts about them at all.  And, they never really dressed provocatively - it's just that they could not really hide their body shape no matter what they wore.  Sheesh!  What a rip off!  To have a very curvy body with a brain that actually thinks thoughts. I had a social studies teacher in High School that never once looked me in the eyes the whole time I was his student.  And, I had an adult man at the high school take advantage of his authority to touch me inappropriately.  People wonder about Norma Jean, but I don't. My keen ability with the snappy retorts and derogatory sense of humor became my protection of choice in High School.  Later, as I wanted to shed that mean spirited attitude, weight became my new protector.  I think there was an overlapping period of time where both were in place - not pretty.  Thanking God that both are now becoming part of my past.

So, taking a walk to see where the lies are and the truth that Christ has for me there instead.  An interesting walk, through an interesting brain - this time my own.  But, with the mind of Christ it is always revealing and full of His love and compassion!  So thankful for that.

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