Wednesday, February 12, 2014

He Likes Me?

 From Miriam Webster:
 verb \ˈlīk\
: to enjoy (something) : to get pleasure from (something)
: to regard (something) in a favorable way
: to feel affection for (someone) : to enjoy being with (someone)
liked lik·ing
Full Definition of LIKE
transitive verb
chiefly dialect :  to be suitable or agreeable to <I like onions but they don't like me>
a :  to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in :  enjoy<likes baseball>
b :  to feel toward :  regard <how would you like a change>
:  to wish to have :  want <would like a drink>
:  to do well in <this plant likes dry soil> <my car does notlike cold weather>
intransitive verb
dialect :  approve
:  to feel inclined :  chooseprefer <leave any time you like>

It was interesting.  I had a conversation recently that caused me to look up the word “like”.  I really didn’t find anything unexpected or earth-shattering in the definitions above.  But, the reaction I had to the word during that conversation has caused me to sit and ponder it a bit.  Looking back on it, I’ve had really similar reactions to the word in several conversations (all different people but the same topic) over the last several years.  I was sharing with a friend how much God really “likes” them. The response was off the charts!  You would have thought I went and grew a third eye on my face right in front of this person by their look.  It was sort of comic, really.  It started out as flat out disbelief, incredulity, then a sort of “could it be possible?” morphing into a sort of “nah, you’re just pulling my leg”.  But all through, they kept looking at me as though I was somewhat crazy, as though the idea that God could actually like them was beyond belief! 

It’s even more interesting – believe it or not – that the same people who have acted rather shocked that God could really like them are ready enough to believe that He loves them. Maybe it’s the “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16) verse that has them convinced that he generally loves, because, well…He loves the whole world! But, they think, "Not really ME just as and for myself".  Or maybe it’s the idea that He loves everyone – He’s God – He has to, it’s in His nature and character!  But it’s only that sort of, "I love you because I have to (I’m loyal)" and mostly that translates to “I put up with you” in their hearts.  After all, you may “love” your Uncle Mort.  He’s family and you love your family.  Doesn’t mean you want to spend countless hours with him or take him on vacation with you every year. But, you would help him, can put up with his corny jokes or crabby rants during the holidays or visiting.  You have a loyalty to him.  But liking – that’s a whole different category.  Liking someone involves actually preferring their company and looking forward to being with them for themselves! 

Some people may not believe it - But God actually does like people.  I found this out very personally over the last few years myself.  Though I’ve always had a sense that God loves me – I didn’t really believe He personally preferred me.  Oh, I knew that He committed everything in and through Jesus so that I could spend eternal life with Him (hey, I know John 3:16).  But in my heart, on an ordinary day of the week – what exactly did God loving me look like?  Yes, He brought the sun up, gave me my every breath, food, people, etc… Believe me – I’m grateful and very thankful for each and every thing. But still, aren’t those things He is, being God (The Creator)?  I didn’t have a very deep understanding of how seriously God takes relationship – His and mine.  He is completely in – fully committed – and deeply engaged.  I started to see, through some very difficult encounters where I had to rely heavily on God, because I had no ability to defend or protect myself.   He showed up BIG – I will tell you.  I had such a season of discovery about who God is for me, personally, and truly – I’m still in it!!  And, I will tell you it changed and still is changing how I see people and things and myself and certainly, chiefly - GOD!!  I no longer just talk in generalities about God’s affection, attention and interaction with and for people.  I know that He specifically cares and longs for people to spend time with Him.  Please don’t mistake me – God does not “need” me or other people.  However, He wants me and He wants other people too.  Experiencing that – it was huge for me!  He doesn’t just put up with me – He relishes time with me and enjoys me.  And, GUESS WHAT?  I CAN ENJOY HIM TOO!!  Shocking!! Who knew?  He looks forward to our time together and He’s always attentive to me – even when I’m wandering about completely oblivious (I am quite a Magoo at times).  I want to learn to enjoy Him more and He's teaching me, cause that's what I'm made for!

Does this touch your heart?  I think it touches about everyone’s heart I’ve discussed it with. Significance – everyone is searching for theirs.  When you discover it’s in God – there is no bigger surprise or joy!  After all, THE CREATOR of all things WANTS to spend time with YOU and actually LIKES YOU? Ha ha! WOWEE!  I’M ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!  I’m not important enough to get 2 seconds with Bill Gates, but GOD, the one who knows me better than I know me (the maker of Bill), I can have all day every day with Him in the joy of His company.  Whew – my brain gets twisted THINKING ABOUT THAT!!

It’s Valentines Day again this week.  I’d just like to put it out there for those who don’t really get this – think about it, God liking you.  Ask Him and spend some time listening!!  I guarantee, you will marvel at the answer.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Mirror Mirror

It’s always wonderful to focus on God (You are so full of surprises and wonder, Lord).   He Himself is beyond marvelous to gaze upon and enjoy! In sitting with Him and His word there is always something in me that gets adjusted.  I am so thankful to have more freedom from some things that have held me in deep bondage.  And, I would not even have known they were there but for God’s goodness to me.

I have never wanted to become embroiled in the “man vs. woman” battle.  It’s just wrong for so many reasons and degrading and dishonoring to both men and women.  It is the enemy’s best weapon upon the body of Christ and I’m not up for giving any ground to him!  I’ve wanted to distance myself from even talking about it, but not God! Nope!  And, He’s very persistent when He wants something – ever notice that? Haha! Well, it may take time, but it’s always better when I go His way on things (it’s best when it’s sooner and rather than later!).

There have been times I have been so saddened and so disappointed.  When both men and women dishonor, insult and out and out tear each other up – it hurts my heart.  The lengths fear goes to are immeasurable.  I’ve said it before and will repeat – I am not a feminist.  I don’t believe in holding one’s sex as superior and the other’s subordinate.  I believe men and women are Co-heirs, equals –we are both made in the image of God and bring equally unique and required design features to working together in God's Kingdom. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." And God made us to work together – “It is not good that man should be alone”.  We were created to live out dominion over the earth in unity and mutual relationship and submission to God and each other.  Men’s roles do not exclusively assign them authority over women.  Women’s roles do not exclusively assign them this either.  Each has particular design that when rightly lived out together with mutual respect and love, magnify God. Ultimately – that’s the point – glorifying GOD!  Where God is displayed rightly – I see both men and women in all levels of leadership and in marriage in mutual submission to God and each other and living out the fullness of their complete calling in Christ! There is more fullness of this unfolding in the earth!  

There may be many who disagree with me.  I’ve gone into all the scriptural study and information about this in other posts regarding some sources of my understanding (See: What if…?, What’s Shame Got to do with it?, Ah-Ha! Women and Men in Kingdom Relationship, The Genders (another clue) and The Genders).  Good thing, you don’t have to agree with me for me to love you.  And, really, that completely frees me.  Its part of what I had broken off of me! GOO-OOD!  I am free to love people who despise, distrust, hate, fear and loathe me and all I stand for (and that’s not just those who believe it's their job to dictate what's right for the opposite sex but also staunch anti-theists, racists, and boatloads of others)  YAY!  Their treatment of me does not in any way bind or obligate me to treat them as anything but people who God deeply loves and therefore who I really love. They can’t force me to see them in any other way.  It wasn’t always so, but it is more and more NOW – thank you, God!

You see the mirror – it reflects exactly what it’s aimed at.  I have been unjustly the object of contempt over long periods of time.  When first exposed to this I was deeply hurt and lived in a toxic pressure-cooker mix every day for several years.  I took it very personally and did a lot of crying out to God. I wrote a little previously about how I asked if He wanted me to leave the situation and He firmly told me NO! There are only two options when undergoing such things – you’re either gonna get bitter or better.  As I kept going to God – He kept putting me back on track and training my eyes on His truths instead and in the midst.  And guess what?  He showed me some of the ugliest most horrifying and disappointing things about me inside me! YIKES! Yep, it’s true.  Rude things. Truly humiliating. I had no awareness about them.  He showed me, pride, hatred, rage and fear, rescuing for acceptance, masks of perfection - uck! Then, he gave me a safe place and people to be real with about those things – while completely being accepted. He brought me through - as I kept coming to Him - into a willingness to lay down things. In the process, He taught me how to see those who had contempt for me with different eyes.  He showed me that other people are put in my life to show me those things in me that have to go.  AND He proved He is my defender!!  I could not lift a finger to save myself or defend in any way. HE HIMSELF showed He is for me and provided for my every need. He’s my Daddy, the wonderful Papa who protects and provides for His little girl! I catch Him on days still doing that and I always look at people trying to mess with me and think – “You don’t know my Daddy, do you?!” :D  And He actually went further and changed the whole atmosphere and situation to greatly bless me in completely extravagant ways (financially, honor, respect and acceptance)!  I actually went from pain filled crying to joy filled crying in overwhelmed thankfulness.  I was not expecting that, but more astonishing I was not expecting my vision and understanding of who God is personally for me to expand so dramatically.  I am ever falling down grateful to Him for making me to know Him better.  It’s the cry of my heart to know Him more. His faithfulness, commitment and love are far more personal than I could have ever imagined, for me.  Knowing that affects completely how I trust Him, walk with Him and obey Him.  God’s growing me and this is a life long process.  Like the mirror – I reflect what I’m aimed at.  And, like a mirror – I reflect much more truly when I’m clean (God is ever cleansing me from distortion, dirt and gunk!).  When I aim at hate and resentment that's aimed at me – I reflect it.  But God’s taught me, whatever is coming at me I can aim myself at Him and I will reflect Him.  In this process anything in me that prevents His complete reflection from shinning out is exposed – and believe me, though it’s painful it is the best thing that can happen!  Here in this place when I humble myself and stay real I become my true self as he cleanses me from those things that are not the real me.  And, miraculously, when I reflect Him to situations and individuals – HE changes things!  Sheesh – ONLY HE CAN DO THIS!

I have not always been quick to embrace going God’s way in this.  Initially, I did not do it at all and tried to protect me.  But, over time – God re-enforced in me laying down fleshly responses (even when they are trying to smack me in the face) and living from my real joyful love centered self in Him. And wow – me living that way completely changes the world around me.  Who knew? And hey, God's not satisfied that we just be good at this - He's bound determined to make us great at this actually - perfect in Him! So, I get a whole new set of things to practice practice practice the truth of this out in!  YIPPEE!  What an "over the top" life knowing my Daddy's always committed to helping me grow to reflect Him better.

So, mirror mirror  – who are you reflecting?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Paradoxical Jesus!

Feeding trough, manger.
Jesus – His conception and arrival, while poor, dirty and controversial, was also miraculous, amazing and glorious.  I finally carved out some hours to really sit down and celebrate with Him and give Him my gift.  And, well, the more the merrier - so I invite you to share in a little of what I shared with Jesus too!

Jesus, I really appreciate your contrasts. You are paradoxical! The way you are all at once simple and complex.  You’re approachable – yet, completely other! Human and God. You’re dirt crusted and glory ridden.  Humility couched in perfection.  Blood covered healing.  Death pouring life!  You are letter and fulfillment of the law.  You’re comforting and unnerving.  You are the best friend I will ever know and the “fall down” awe striking ALMIGHTY GOD! You are naturally supernatural, unremarkably remarkable. You’re infinite and impervious in innocuously vulnerable wrapping paper.  You are completely trustworthy and anything but safe.  You make failure fail proof. You are goodness that throws me down on my face in grateful thankfulness.  I have not scratched the surface of you and it is my greatest joy and pleasure to spend eternity treasure finding the riches of who you are! I love you.

There is so much God is revealing in this time, it is the most wonderful time in all of history to live.  Life in Jesus, He himself is the most beautiful and wonderful – enjoying Him is an astonishing way of life.  It’s the opportunity to see Him everywhere in this world and love with His love and touch with His life.  Oh, I certainly have not arrived, but am ever more excited to practice and grow!  I will never stop! He lived that out so very well in his own walk here and lives it now marvelously in and through us in Him!

Oh, my dear loved ones – I invite you, whether it's the first time or again!  It’s Christmas – know Him! He makes it so easy to love Him. His peace and provision make all of life an adventure to be embraced.  Fear can run, but it can’t hide in His overcoming power and love!  There is much anxiety, trouble, fear, privation, hurt, sickness, evil, horrific circumstance and injustice – all of these things are real in our world, but they are not more real than Jesus.  He is the overcoming goodness reality beyond and in the midst of all these things.  He is life, rest, peace, joy, healing, justice, love, acceptance, comfort, provision and so much more. Welcome Him!  Jesus is born! Let Him be born in you and receive the greatest gift ever given, for you and all the world around you!

Love to you and warmest wishes from Family Long for a Christmas and New Year’s full of God’s presence!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The "Sow it to Grow it" Challenge!

Isn’t it funny? We know that when we plant onions we aren’t expecting strawberries to pop out.  And when we plant an apple tree, we aren’t looking for string beans to form on it.  The truth is, what you sow is what you expect to grow!  No real surprise there.  And I am going to point out that what is true in nature is true spiritually.  Yep, it really is!!  So, going off of that – why, why, why, do we wonder at the crops we’re growing?  Why do we sow disappointment, fear, anxiety, tiredness, sarcasm, hate, anger, impatience, pride, mistrust, contempt, shame and wonder that our crop contains not one piece of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, etc..?

OK, please let me confess.  I have tried to reap a good crop by planting bad seed - idiotic, I know. I have responded to the world with what the world dishes out.  I tried to protect, combat, defend and live in a way with the world’s ways by doing the same (only from a self-righteous churchyosity point of view).  Hideous seed!  Not only did it not change one thing in the world, I actually reaped a bumper crop of UGGG-LEE unto myself!  So, yeah, I know about this first hand.  Lil farmer December did not do well at that.

But, a few years ago I had an absolutely amazing opportunity to do the complete opposite.  So guess what – against all my doubts and despite all my fears – I did it.  I stepped out and listened to God’s leading and sowed compassion, outrageous faith, love, joy, patience and “winsome words” in the face of hatred, contempt, sabotage, fear and rejection.  AND…I am STILL REAPING AN AMAZING HARVEST!  And boy is the fruit sweet! I literally have to pinch myself to make sure I’m awake at times.  I’ve never seen the likes of it!  And the world has shifted. I literally went into this with no real expectation of seeing some things change.  I thought, “Okay, God is big and He can do what He wants to here”. But I didn’t think it would be personal things for ME.  Really, I never expected it.  I found that not only did hate turn to kindness, but contempt and rejection turned to acceptance and honor.  And it was not only personal (both in me and around me) but a change for many others and just the whole atmosphere of things in general too! How does that happen?  The seeds, my friends.  Seeds can only produce after their kind.  And, when you do it under God’s direction and guidance – He provides the sunshine, water and all other things needed.  And isn’t that good news?!  Cause, hey, you plant knowing what you’ll get and in line with what God wants to do!! 

So, here it is, I AM CHALLENGING YOU!!   Take the, "Sow It To Grow It" Challenge!!!  Pick the most difficult, discouraging, painful and negative situation, person, place in your life right now – and daily sow love, peace, joy, encouragement, patience, faith, trust, goodness, honor, gentleness into it with intention.  I did this for an extended period of time, but even if you try it for 30 days, it will reap rewards.  But to see a really amazing harvest – go for longer – set a longer goal and the harvest will be much larger.  Hey, map it out if it helps you be mindful – take a calendar and put a daily action you’ll take or note one daily after you’ve done it to keep track – check off a daily action. Find ways (direct or indirect) to sow with gracious generosity into these places, people and/or situations.  Be creative – you don’t have to do something direct with a contentious person to sow into them.  I did many things anonymously and it produced some miraculous things!  And, little seeds can grow some of the biggest plants – so don’t think it takes million dollar gestures to reap big rewards.  In fact, some of the smallest, but sincere efforts are rewarded with the biggest yields!! I loved blessing people and praying for their abundant favor, gladness, joy, health and provision.  And, writing encouraging things anonymously.  Providing little things needed like honor and humility in holding someone else up.   And, I sat with the Lord looking at the person, situation, and place and asking for His eyes for it.  I did things from His point of view and with His vision for it.  In most cases, initially, there was no evidence of anything but barren ground.  And there was where I planted good things with trust that they would grow, leaving it to God as to when and how.  I can’t tell you how lush the growth and harvest has been, but I’m hooked now!  And, I encourage you to take note of what grows, as far as you can tell - but don't hold your expectations of how or what it will be. Sometimes if you are in a situation where you can't see directly, it may be more difficult, but some of those things are the most rewarding when you find out later how things changed. And, some things we won't know til we meet in eternity, but they're still worth sowing and growing! Farmer December is even now sowing into some really hideous ground with cheerful expectancy!!  Oooh – yep, sprouts coming up all over!! Whoot!! Whoot!

So, now, it’s YOUR TURN!  I challenge you!!  Take this challenge and you will be astonished – guaranteed!!  I’d love to hear how you do, so, if you take this challenge, write a response here to let me know how you did it and how it went!   Great or small – share your harvest and it will multiply the harvest to others!!!  The more outlandishly unlikely the person, situation and/or place, the more astonishing your results will be!!! :D Come on – nothing to lose but lots to gain!!!  GO FOR IT!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


So, a couple of months ago, I was working away on some reports (Normal day in every respect). Not really paying attention to anything but numbers. Out of the blue a tsunami wave of despair came over me.  I mean serious and sweeping.  Knocked the breath out of me – it was almost physical.  I was just about to move into the despair when God tapped me on the shoulder and said, “See how scared the enemy is?”  Sheesh, am I thankful God got my attention.  I began rejoicing and praising!!!  Now, mind you, this wave did not cease – it was pretty relentless, but with every thought of hopelessness that came through my mind I began to see the actual reality that God is unfolding instead and BOY DID I GET ENCOURAGED!!!  I see how much the ground is being established and how it's moving the Kingdom forward and THAT matters to the enemy.  It was fantastic and a great opportunity to practice staying focused.  If God had not gotten my attention right away I would have been hurting.  But, because He did, I did not get distracted or caught up in enemy’s energy draining nonsense.  AND I enjoyed seeing the progress and impact of things and participating in rejoicing and praying in line with it.  God you are SOO GREAT!  I do get attacks at different times – I usually recognize it quickly, but there are times where I sort of wander about under the horrible cloud until I finally begin to see it and say, “Hey, wait a minute!”  Sometimes my flesh gets triggered from old woundings and it’s completely me.  But, the enemy of my soul also has a stake in seeing me sidelined and distracted (it’s really all that’s left to him after Jesus trounced him).  He can’t possess what belongs to Christ, but he certainly does try everything in his power to keep those in Christ from being effective. He’s seems quite successful in this with the church in some ways...but not for long!!!!

One place I see lots of sidelining in the church is with the focus on shame.   The enemy keeps God’s people tied up in this a lot and it literally keeps people from living into their real identities!  In some church circles I hear, “We know we’re not worthy and there’s nothing good about us”.

It is a fact that all of our worth is in and from God.  Our value is established by how much God loves us.  He values us so much that He gave His only Son for us!  And, He wants us to be forever one with Him.  Now try to wrap your head around THAT good news!!!  We are no longer in the same state we were before receiving Him either – heck we are now on a road growing into the image of Christ!  But some talk sure sounds like we ought to be ashamed (Hmmmm…where’s that coming from?)!  We are a new creation and old things have passed away. I don’t mean to say we should not get real about sin – but, people in the church generally are not always getting real with their specific sins at all.  In fact I would go as far as to say that in some cases I suspect people who assign themselves to be the “attitude” police are really fending off addressing specific sins by donning the mask of false humility.  Regularly saying “I’m not worthy” sounds religious and humble. But, it’s a little insidious because we may really feel it generally and yet making such a general statement sort of lets us off the hook from the truly tough job of digging and uncovering very REAL specific sin that still plagues us.   

The church should be the safest place to be real about sin (and OHHHH it’s changing!!), but, in some places it’s still about a contest to “look” good enough to qualify for things rather than being real and authentic about specific things that bind us in order to get free of them. God's working on these pockets of resistance.  These places will not be immune to getting GRABBED and thrown down on their faces in tears by the goodness of God. Nothing wrecks like God’s goodness!  It’s what brings men to repentance!

Now, on the jaw-dropping outrageous side of things – God, in His BIGNESS is shifting the landscape and paradigms where all of this nonsense exists and moving us into a whole new territory.  I am so excited about THAT!  Yes, the Church – The Bride of Christ - mind sets are shifting and people are having God’s spirit poured out upon them and they are responding in amazing ways with God’s power demonstrated in much needed ways!  There really is NO better time to be alive – at least that’s how I see it.  The world has an agenda, but it will never override the overcoming KINGDOM agenda!!  So world, enemy, – do your best!  Every effort will be used to refine and renew The Bride until she rises pure and invincible!  Haha!! So great!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Daddy

Shoulders so strong and arms so wide
I always felt safe and loved inside

With a voice so deep and a stance so tall
Most people’d think twice before bluffing his call

He loved all kinds of swimming, he’d give rides on his back!
And when we’d go fishing he’d bring back a pack!

As his daughter I feared when my first date came knockin
Cause there was ol dad - rifle in hand - in his chair just a rockin

So deep and so loud country songs in the shower 
Why our neighbors all over knew dad’s great lung power

He enjoyed making projects, had an inventive mind
And his friends they’ll all tell you, my dad was so kind

He’d spoil dogs and hummingbirds – he was an animal lover
And his image of a tough guy – well that's mostly a cover

To protect a tender heart, both loving and giving
He overcame lots of stuff and learned about forgiving

My dad was affectionate, fun and good cheer
His humor was dry and his laugh was so dear

Oh the times that we shared and trips that we made
The laughter and memories  - not one would I trade

Though there are things that my dad did that hurt and caused pain
I can’t help but love him, forgive him and remain

His daughter through the thick and the thin of this life
Though I’m happily married - long a mother and wife

And when they ask, do you miss him, I’ll answer quite true
Yes I miss him so much – yes I miss him I do

But I know where to find him when I’m missing him so
I just look right at Jesus – he’s right here – don’t you know?

And my dad’s right here with him, so joyful and free
One found in Lord Jesus can’t be lost – don’t you see?

And one day I’ll be like him – face to face with our Lord
With God’s great adventures – we’ll never be bored!

Thanks, God, for my papa, how the years went with speed
Til we meet again, love to you daddy – from your little girl Deed

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Swirling Vortex

Ahh, the “Swirling Vortex of Despair”.  I know it well.  I’ve spent many hours of my life there.  Its gravitational pull is immense. The insidious nature of it is the underlying entitlement or justice based enticement that seems to drag you into the path of its outer edges – gradually spinning you round and round and picking up speed and velocity as it throws you relentlessly toward the center where you are pulled down under with seemingly no hope of escape!  It whispers in your ear promises of satisfaction and justification, if you just spend time indulging it, just a little! After all, you are justified! Hah! From experience, I can tell you it is never satisfying and a little never stays a little.  I have yet to ever really "feel" better indulging it.  It’s the old “bait and switch”.  Promises of satisfaction turn to a never ending hamster wheel of anger leading to self-righteousness leading to self-pity and regret, then the coup-de-grass – despair which leads to the whole thing on a never ending auto loop! It’s exhausting, depressing AND unnecessary!

I’ve had moments recently where I’m on the edge of that vortex and despite my complete understanding of it and how it REALLY is, I sometimes am tempted.  But I’ve taken measures to make sure I never get close enough to that sucking noise!!  Thanks to my dear friends and those I’ve asked to keep me accountable and let me know if I’m wandering anywhere near, I am guarded and my heart of joy is sustained!

So, add to that my new mind set!  Yeah – a new mind set completely looks the “Swirling Vortex of Despair” in the eye and says, “Ah, Ah, Ah!  SO NOT wasting precious moments of MY life on YOU anymore!”  Did you know, resentment, complaining and despair are the worship and praise of the DARK Kingdom?!  Oh, they most certainly are!  This actually became a realization for me.  I then woke up and found I don’t have to spend one moment of my life “indulging” this.  I get to choose how I’m going to show up to the moments of my life and I’m doggone choosing love, beauty, compassion, hope, joy, creativity and wonder for MY moments.  Hey, my moments here ARE LIMITED and I am no longer accepting one thing less than AMAZING for the one's I've been given!  God promised, so why would I turn away from His TRUE outrageously glorious PROMISES for empty meaningless and falsely promoted despair?! That would just be ridiculous!  Unfortunately, so many times I’ve not only accepted but embraced so much less.  Why?  Secret revealed, I thought it was going to somehow soothe and satiate my angry hurt self. Never happened.  Problem – my angry hurt self actually just became more inflamed and found new reasons to feed into the angry hurt whirlpool maelstrom!  Why do we act as though venting or just getting things off our chest will somehow make us feel better?  Stuff and Nonsense!  And, there’s that “OTHER” lie that makes me feel, initially, as though indulging love, beauty, and all the other amazing things God has for me will somehow be an impossible “Herculean” effort on my part!  Ha – that is a laugh!  Actually, just starting into the GOOD things immediately soars my spirit up so quickly and firmly to that overcoming buoyant joy – it is fantastically fool proof!  I, for one, am setting my mind on this!  I have a better answer – I GET TO go out and BE marvelously JOY FILLED in my moments INSTEAD!  Is there actually a comparison? REALLY?!  Not even a question.  Check it out and let me know what you find! 

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